Friday, September 4, 2009

Operation Organization--Week Five. Check.

Week five of Melinda's Operation Organization Challenge is complete and I'm still on board. I think the reason I've been able to stick with it is because I've picked really reasonable projects. Not whole rooms. Not file cabinets. Just little drawers, closets, messy spots.

Last week I planned to do my linen closet, and I'm tickled to say I did it. It wasn't hard, because it has been organized before--so I went with a similar arrangement. AND, it gave me another opportunity to use my beloved label maker with hopes of the whole family knowing where things go. One can hope, right?

Here it is:

No major discoveries in there, except several duplicate cleaning supplies I didn't know I had, and enough "plug-ins" (fragrance makes me happy) to fill a shoebox. Labeled the shoebox too. Yippee!

I didn't work hard to make it perfect--just GOOD ENOUGH. Good Enough. Something I've been working on saying to my perfectionist self. Something I've learned to be OK with. Cause I've learned from Flylady and others that sometimes my perfectionism keeps me from doing anything at all. Cause I don't think I the have the time, the creative ideas, the cute container, whatever I think I need to make it PERFECT. So I don't bother to do anything. Good enough is way better than not done at all, and almost as good as perfect. I mean, I'll admit, there is a part of me that wants to go out and buy all new towels and color coordinate the closet and put things in size order. But this is good enough. Good Enough is good enough for me. At least I want it to be...

This next week I plan to take on our coat closet. Since it's the summer, we haven't been using it daily, but all sorts of things have been shoved in and thrown on the floor. Time to straighten and purge and be ready for the season of coats to come. Again, not a big project...but this way I know I'll get it done...and a good-enough-straightened-closet will make me happy. :)

Here it is today in all of it's glory...

It's never to late to join in and take the challenge to organize one spot in your home each week. You don't have to make it perfect. Just good enough, baby.


  1. Good on you honey!! A job well done. When you've finished all your "messies" I have a few you can help your dear mom with.

  2. Looks great! Thanks also for your reminder to make things "good enough." I'm trying to remind myself that it's about progress, not perfection. (What kind of label maker do you have? I have one on my wish list, but am still researching options.)

  3. Excellent work. I have learned from the Flylady too. I have been flying for a year now.

  4. Your linen closet looks great! I can't wait to see what you do with your hall closet - that is what I am tackling next as well!

  5. Your linen closet looks great! I will be tackling mine this is my only hall closet! I just love Flylady.

  6. I think that's the key...You are doing small projects at a time so you are able to get them done. Awesome! It must feels so good! :)


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