Thursday, October 29, 2009

the one where I realize I have too much to do to be posting right now...

On Fridays I link up with the Company Girls for a weekly bloggie chat.

Hi Girls--Diet Coke and cinnamon bread in hand, I'm ready to catch up with you. Here's a bit of my life since we last linked up:

1) Friday night we had our small group meeting for the first time in over a month. It was so good to be together with the "groupies" at our home. It was nutso leading up to the evening (read my mishaps of the weekend here), but so great to be together, I just had to blog about them on Tuesday.

2) We've had SNOW. We had a two hour school delay on Monday, schools were closed on Wednesday and Thursday. And today, another two hour delay. There is a new element to snow days at our house these days--and that is that my hubby's job now requires him to make the call on snow days for the private school he works at. That means if there is a chance of weather issues, he has to get up at 4 am and begin a several hour process of phone calls, decisions and notifying news agencies. He has been so tired from all the early mornings! The weather is supposed to improve for the weekend, and the sun is out this morning...

3) A few weeks ago I mentioned that we were excited to have a candidate for Senior Pastor in town for the weekend. I am thrilled to say that the church board decided to call him (offer him the job) and he has accepted! It's been 1o months without a pastor so far, and by the new year we will have a Senior Pastor again! I will have a boss, and our church will have a leader. We are so thankful!! God is good.

4) This weekend we are welcoming my in laws for a month long visit...they aren't staying with us, but we hope to see them often. This kids spent part of snow day #2 cleaning their rooms and today I'm going to try and catch up on some cleaning in preparation for their arrival. In my dream world, my home is in a constant state of clean...but in reality....not so much.

5) Confession: I'm a bit of a fuddy-duddy when it comes to Halloween. It is not my favorite holiday for a couple of personal reasons. I am not one who thinks about costumes for my kids way in advance...nor do I get into the whole scary-spooky thing. I do have an appreciation for all of the creativity that abounds at this time of year, but regardless, I procrastinate and am often scrambling for quick and easy costumes. SO, today (after school!) we are pulling together a costume for my daughter who has a costume party tonight. She is going to be an artist, at least we know that. I'll post a pic when we figure it out. And I suppose we should buy some candy...

6) Besides all of that, Bubba's 9th birthday is on Monday! His birthday party is next weekend and I have got to get invitations in the mail today. Hubby and I still need to decide what his gifts will be (he wants everything, so that should be easy) and shop for them before Monday.

Yikes! Lots to do...better get on with I go! If all I have to do is stressing you out like it is me, you may need a laugh. Read a classic dawn story here--hope it makes you chuckle. Have a great Friday everyone!


  1. I'm very much like you when Halloween rolls around. I agree that it's just not worth as much preparation as other more significant holidays!

  2. I'm going to have to come back to read what you've linked...I think the kid is waiting for breakfast. hehe =p

    1) Glad you guys got to meet up.
    2) It usually never snows here (San Francisco Bay Area), but it has been sooo chilly here, that I think it might just snow this winter.
    3) We just had the installation service for our new pastor. It's exciting!!
    4) Have a fun time with the inlaws. I love spending time with family.
    5) I'm not big on Halloween with the costumes and trick-or-treating either. The simple costumes are the best anyhow...don't spend too much money on something your kid will wear once.
    6) Happy early bday to Bubba!

  3. Diet coke and cinnamon bread-interesting!! -and Yay for Senior Pastors!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Yep. I'm a fuddy duddy too. I haven't spent a dime on costumes this year. I told my kids they could dive into to costume box and get creative. I think far too much hype is put into having the best costume on the block.

    We're going to our church's fall harvest carnival tomorrow night, and the theme this year is "funkadelic." Hmm...I'm thinking tie dye and painted faces. :)

    I won't complain anymore about our light snow flurries after reading this post! You must live where it's very cold!

    Have a super weekend!

  5. goodness that is alot to do! I hope you get it all done!

  6. Wow...snow...and I thot Canada was bad..but we don't have snow yet...I'm not a Hallowe'en person either and have depended on my eldest daughter to be creative and do all the costumes for her siblings! I'm always glad to wake up to November 1st!


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