Tuesday, October 13, 2009

post-oink happiness

That little burst of energy. You know the one. The one that comes after you've been sitting around sick for days, letting the mess happen, letting all disciplines go by the wayside, barely caring for the other sickies around you, seeing things you'd like to do but lacking the energy to move a muscle to do them. That little burst of energy that is more than just normalcy--it's like being given a new lease on life. You can DO things and you have a fresh appreciation of the fact. It doesn't matter if those things are fun...you're just overjoyed you can physically do them.

I had that little burst of energy yesterday. The family has been (and one still is) down with H1N1. Hubby got it first, and in was inevitable the rest of us followed. It wasn't the worst any of us has ever felt...but we didn't feel good, that's for sure. Oink, oink.

poor Pickle--still oinking

But yesterday...there was a significant lack of fever in my body. I knew I had turned the corner as soon as I woke up. There was that burst of energy, return of appetite and desire to accomplish. Unfortunately, Pickle was at her worst, so the day started with getting her settled and cooled down (103.7 to start the day--yikes!). But then the post-sick high kicked in. I picked up some of the house. (what a bunch of slobs!) I made lists. I did a bit of work on the computer. I colored my hair (yes, once every few weeks I treat my locks to the luxury of a box of hair color so that my roots don't betray my immaturity and confirm my age). I took a shower...that good shower that comes after a few days of not caring to. I fished our fall decorations out of the storage room and started getting inspired to be creative. I commented on some blogs. I stuck Bubba in a nice warm bubble bath--to soak the sick off of him. Later, I took him to the park to collect acorns for our decorating. I went to Stuff-mart and bought something to fix dinner. I was even ambitious enough to buy the ingredients for this. Yum.

(Now, in all honesty, I ran out of steam after Stuffmart...I think the burst of energy is more mental than physical. So as I start Tuesday, my fall decorations are spread out on the floor, my yummy dessert is still waiting to be made, and the house is pretty messy again.)

BUT, this morning the newfound energy is back and I'm anxious to get caught up around here. The stinky dog WILL be bathed. The house will get fall-i-fied. Cause I can. I have the ability to move my body, think (relatively) clearly and go more than 10 minutes without a coughing fit. This is a gift very worthy of unwrapping--the appreciation of health that only seems to come after illness, and the burst of energy that comes with it.

Hope I can hang onto the perspective for a few more days...

**This post is linked up with Tuesdays Unwrapped over at Chatting at the Sky--where finding the gift in the ordinary is celebrated each Tuesday.


  1. oh yes... i know that burst so well! but take it easy... cause a healing body seems to fade fast :) i hope the rest of your crew will feel like moving, too. happy fall-i-fying :)

  2. So sorry to hear The Swine (that's what we call it,) has hit your family. Hope more burts of energy are coming your way...

  3. I love that feeling! Nothing like being sick to make you realize how good it is to be able to do even the awful things, like cleaning and laundry. :)

    Welcome back to the world of the living!

  4. I'm in nesting mode finally .
    I am an outdoor type and when the colder weather hits I am overwhelmed by all the stuff to get done... but today I made a start.
    Hope your family keeps healing.

  5. Wow, you did more with that burst of energy than I do on a normal day! lol

    Glad to hear you're recovering from the Attack of the Pig. :)

  6. As sorry as I am you were sick, I am glad you were able to get it out of the way and it didn't ruin any holidays or birthdays (hopefully!). Thank you for your comment on my blog and thank you for sharing your post! I always love it when God brings me out of my reality and humbles me - reminds me that every single one of us is "suffering" through something and that there are a lot of folks around us needing compassion and care!!!! Be blessed and I'm praying for a complete and super-speedy recovery for everyone in your house and that the bursts of energy are no longer short-lived!

  7. Thank you for your kind comments! So glad you are feeling better...and inspired! Thank you for sharing!

  8. So funny and I completely agree with the fall-i-fying. It has to get done. Although mine hasn't, yet...
    I love that burst and then quick realization that it's relative to the sickness- NOT REAL energy- just more than you've had in the past week. I think we all know it well.
    And this is my favorite line: "so that my roots don't betray my immaturity and confirm my age". HA! Well put!

    I sure hope y'all are feeling better soon!


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