Friday, November 13, 2009

distracto-girl, that's me

Thanks for all the birthday wishes last week--I had a wonderful birthday weekend. You can read some highlights here. On then on Tuesday, hubby and I went to Denver for an overnight and to see Wicked. What a fun show--enjoyed every single minute of it!

Today, I am finding that distractions abound. For one...Lifeway is broadcasting from their woman's leadership conference here. I stumbled on it (thanks Rachel Anne!) and have already listened to Priscilla Shirer give a powerful talk and some chitter chatter from Travis Cottrell--love him. I turned it off for a while now...cause I am recognizing I could watch it all day!

ANYHOO--as I said, I'm distracto-girl today. I know why. I haven't had my diet coke yet! No, that's not the whole reason. The real reason is that I plan to spend a chunk of my day working on (read here: starting) a talk I am giving at church. I need your prayers! I am actually going to be giving the "sermon" (we don't call it a sermon cause we don't really do the women-preaching thing at our church but don't know what else to call it heehee) on December 13! In the first person. As Mary. I will likely regret saying yes at several points along the way...but I think God has told me a theme...and so here I go. Did I say I need your prayers?

I have spoken before. I have done drama before. It's still a bit (actually quite a bit) scary...and will have NO impact apart from God speaking through please pray!

I need to run and focus...have a great weekend!

Linking up with the Company Girls at Home Sanctuary--my friday chat with bloggie friends.


  1. Man, I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I don NOT do the speaking in front of people thing. I tried to check out some of the Lifeway stuff but my pop up blocker was on and I haven't a clue how to get it off and nothing would come up...probably for the better, what with home schooling and all!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Dawn,
    I'm going to add you to my prayer list... I've done some speaking also, but I'm always nervous. It made me feel a little better to hear Beth Moore say once that she still feels like she wants to throw up every time she gets up to speak.

    From reading your blog, I can tell you have humor, insight, wisdom ... that will all translate into a great blessing to the people who hear you speak!

    Thanks for your kind words on my blog ... I'm enjoying getting to know you as well, Dawn. I think we have much in common. ;0)

  3. praying, praying, praying! you will be great... because it will be all God :) (including the strength that will keep you up in front of all those people!)

  4. Praying that your 'sermon' goes well! I'm sure many other will be blessed because you were obedient and said "Yes". I am not a public speaker by any means, so I tip my hat to you!

  5. What a great bday weekend you had! We're looking for new phones soon too.

    Hope you have a good time planning for your "sermon". It was always great when I was teaching Sunday School, I think I did learn more by teaching, than as a student. =p You really get into the meat of the Scriptures.

  6. I'm sure you will do well, but I know what you mean about being nervous. I've said "no' to stuff my whole life because of fear...and I've finally decided to start saying "yes." So far, God hasn't let me down when I've been obedient, so I encourage you to trust Him! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  7. You'll be great! Will pray for you as you prepare,knowing the Lord will give you just what you need! He's so faithful!


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