Friday, November 27, 2009

It's big and shiny... is tradition in our family, Black Friday is a day to avoid the stores and put up the Christmas decorations! We put on the Christmas music, light the Christmas candles and make a big mess! We got the tree up and made decent progress on the rest...but hubby's shoulder was hurting and he had to take several breaks. During one of those breaks he perused the Black Friday ads. And he saw IT. The deal he couldn't pass up. The Christmas present that had been offered by his folks for our family...

A new TV.

See, we are (were) one of those families with the old school super deep box TVs--the HDless, Blue-Rayless, small-screened ugly type. We've had it forever, and it's saving grace was that it was hid away in a media cabinet whenever we weren't watching. Cause, in my humble opinion, TVs are U.G.L.Y. However, hubby had been hearing the siren's call of a flat screen TV for a while. I had many objections...but did finally acknowledge that it was getting hard to see/read things on the TV since everything seems to be made for the large TVs they assume we all have. And I stink at MarioKart on the Wii...cause I can hardly see the road in front of me. :o)

So I gave in. And it was announced pretty early on in my generous in-laws visit with us that if we wanted one, it would be our gift. And now we have a big (by my standards) TV. And a small room. And an awkward corner to put it in. And a cute piece of furniture from Target shoved back in that corner for it to sit on.

And hubby is putting it all together right now. I KNOW I'll enjoy it. We all will. And I'll get used to the way it looks. I'll get used to the fact that it is right out in the open--no cabinet to hide all of it's media-ness.

But all I can think right that it is BIG and SHINY. Two things our home isn't. I seriously want to weather its shiny base with a brillo pad.

Think that would fly? :o)


  1. Too Funny! We still haven't gone to the flatscreen HD yet, either. My husband wants to, but he hasn't broke down and bought one yet. I agree with you, I am not sure I am ready for it yet.

  2. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on Emma's birthday - and yours! I really appreciate it! I cant get over on how many other bereaved mom's that I have met - such a blessing I will have to say. I love thinking that your sweet, perfect Aidan was joining in on Emma's party. Thank you again for your comment - it meant so much!!

    Now on the tv hubby is slightly obsessed with we HAD to have one before we even got married and then get another for our room...what is with those guys and their shiny tv's? I guess I dont mind but I wont allow anymore! Ha! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that you can enjoy your new tv :)

  3. oh my gosh...I gotta see this. You are so right...your house is not shiny. :) I say go for it with the brillo pad...but maybe when hubby isn't home. hehe

  4. haha. mario kart is the only reason i would give an ok for such an addition. :-)

  5. I thought we were the last people to get a flat screen TV! Enjoy it, Mario Kart and all.

  6. We just got a flat screen due to an impossible to pass up deal!! Enjoy and thanks for making me laugh today!!!

  7. We don't have a flat screen yet either, but my hubbie is chomping at the bit! Hey, it's Christmas, why hide the shiny with decoration??? (Yeah, right, my hubbie wouldn't let me touch the thing if he had one.)But still an idea. :0

  8. Oh, how I relate to this post! Everything form the generous in-laws, the media cabinet hideaway, the countless objections and the awkward result. Our conversion to HD resulted in major drama. I sort of got used to it, but would still go back to that media cabinet in a heartbeat...


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