Tuesday, November 24, 2009

little kindnesses

The little kindnesses add up.

Today I am unwrapping the gift of my husband's care for me and kindness to me. He is a servant-hearted person by nature. Yet, life is full and busy and he gets tired. His job is stressful. It makes him REALLY tired. And I imagine (I know!) it takes that much more effort to be a servant.

Yet, most nights he scoops me some ice cream and brings it to our bedroom for me to eat before bed. He does lots of dropping kids off and picking kids up. He helps with the cleaning. And much, much more. It's love.
in South Dakota in 2008

We don't have a perfect marriage. I think it has to do with both of us being imperfect people...hmmm. But we have put some work in over the years, and we love each other with the kind of love and acceptance that is forged during trials.

Hawaii 2009

Last night, when Pickle and I returned from shopping around 6 pm, hubby was already looking pretty sleepy on the couch. He asked what was up for the night and I told him I still needed to go to Target to get juice for Bubba's class in the morning (why did I leave it until the night before???). I thought he might like to come, so he could check out a piece of furniture I had spotted there. He thought that sounded good...

Then--he fell asleep. Out cold. It was 6:30. Too early to go to bed (unless you are my friend Carly's kids who go to bed at that time every night!). So, at 8:00 I woke him up. I had just finished reading Bubba a story and he was getting ready for bed. After Bubba hit the sack, it was time for me to head out to target.

To my delight and surprise, hubby dragged his tired body out the door and drove me to Target. And shopped with me for way more than juice. After he had basically been asleep for the night. They say a good man is hard to find, but God gave me one. His kindness and care is a gift to unwrap for sure.

I'm sharing this with Emily at Chatting at the Sky--where each Tuesday we celebrate the everyday, messy, imperfect blessings in our lives.


  1. It's a good feeling to know you're one of the lucky ones, isn't it? I was just feeling this way last night. Have a happy thanksgiving, and enjoy that wonderful husband of yours. :)

  2. Ahhh! You have so much to be thankful for!

  3. i love those pictures of you & your hubby :) and i love that you celebrated him today! i hope you have a great thanksgiving :)

  4. Wow -- he IS a great guy! What a sweet post...

  5. A good husband is a gift from God. We should start our own fan club. I thank God every day for such a wonderful husband.

  6. It is always SO nice to hear others talk about their husbands in such a wonderful way. You two are adorable! Yay for good husbands :)

  7. You radiate such beauty in that photo!
    And I have one of those good guys too.

  8. Oh he's a keeper :) It was fun to meet your husband! Your whole story could have been written by me...except if I would have left the kids home I would have been arrested :) Good to meet you through-Coming Clean-!

  9. Dawn, thanks for stopping by my blog. You made me laugh, and, yes, you may borrow my office. :) As for the stuff on the walls, I can only claim two awards. The rest are some of the articles, essays, editorials, etc. that I've written through the years. They make good wallpaper material. LOL!

  10. Dawn, congrats on the award from Melinda. Your blog is really pretty and your hubbie has a beautiful spirit. I love your pics together! Happy Thanksgiving!


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