Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hallelujah, Light Has Come!

a favorite ornament from Pickle's preschool days

It's Christmas Eve Day, and there is till much to do...but I am aware of my heart's pull to the more significant--the reason we celebrate. One of my favorite "newer" Christmas songs is by Barlowgirl and called Hallelujah (Light has come). I am so excited that my friend Becky will be singing this tonight at our Christmas Eve service. I just love the way this song causes my heart to rejoice. The verses are from Mary's voice (and I must say I'm a bit partial to Mary's story these days) but the chorus is from my heart.

My favorite part:

Hallelujah, we’ve been found
A Child is born to save us now
Jesus! Hallelulah, Light has come
A Savior set us free

So praise to God on high
He has heard our cry...

We feel the wait for Him. You feel it too. We all long for Him, even though some don't know Who they are longing for. We want, we NEED to be found in our lostness. We need Light in our darkness, we cry out for Hope.

He came! We are not alone. We are not doomed. He came Himself. He could have sent someone else I suppose (it was God's plan to alter if He wanted to, right?) but He came Himself. Man's cries have been heard. The waiting of hopelessness is over. It was over then and it's over in my here and now. He saves me NOW. Today. From myself. From the evil of this world that wants me to give in.

He came. And He will come again. We live in wait for that day. The promise is there...and we wait. But we don't wait without His presence. He came. Hallelujah! We've been found.


  1. He came and we have been found! Christmas is here! Merry Christmas, dear friend.

  2. "We feel the wait for him." I love that! This is a smiley, fun, and worshipful post! Thanks so much and Merry Merry Christmas! Emmanuel...God is with us!


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