Monday, February 1, 2010

100th post and a giveaway!

It's my 100th post and I'm celebrating this little milestone with a bit of reflection and a giveaway!

I started blogging at the end of May. I had been enjoying reading blogs for a while, but was (am?) clueless about being a blogger. I had no idea what my blog would be about, or if I would stick with it, or if anyone besides my mom would read it. I just started.

I still don't know much about blogging compared to many, but here is what I do know, 100 posts later:

1. I love it. It is an outlet for me I didn't know I needed.

2. It has connected with me with amazing people who teach me and encourage me through their words. All the creative energy flying around the blogosphere truly inspires me.

3. I'm breaking a cardinal blogging rule. I've written 100 posts, and I still don't know what my blog is "about". As you read above--it's my "daily life processed externally". I am one of those extrovert-types that processes most of my thoughts outside of myself. (I know you are thinking--bummer for her family--and you are right! But they are very gracious with me. ) That means I need to talk or write my thoughts to process them well. So I talk. a. lot. And I journal. And now I blog! About... nothing in particular I guess.

4. I'm SO very thankful for every reader. So, for whatever reason you find yourself reading here...thank you! It is much more fun to have the writing be a conversation with you. And now, I want to celebrate you who read my ramblings with a little giveaway!

I'm really excited that my first giveaway is from Cathy Walters! She is my real life friend, a talented artist and photographer, and makes the coolest soldered jewelry. Cathy is offering your choice of a two-sided pendant from her Etsy Shop as our giveaway prize. You are going to have a hard time picking...I promise you!

Here's what you do to enter:

1. Click over to Cathy's Etsy Shop and browse around the cuteness.

2. Leave me a comment and tell me your favorite.

3. If you follow my blog, tell me that. New followers more than welcome! If you are a follower you get an extra entry.

4. That's it--easy schmeasy! I will pick a winner a week from today. Send your friends over too!

And last, but not least, I want to tell you that my blog makeover is coming...I'm so excited! Stay tuned for my new look!

Thanks for helping me celebrate my 100th post!


  1. Dawn, I love your way with words and congrats on your 100th post. I also love the giveaway choice and my what a tough decision it was, as you predicted. I guess my favorite would have to be the "Be Amazing" blue butterfly pendant. My daughter loves butterflies and she's already amazing, so.... sign me up.

  2. Well I love your blog, cousin! I'm a follower- even have you plugged into my RSS reader, so I never miss an entry!

    Cathy's stuff is really cute- I can't decide between "Be Brave Little Owl" or "Wonderful Hedgehog". Everything is so cute!

  3. Dawn,
    I have really been encouraged by reading your blog!! I truly don't follow any other ones, just catch up every once in awhile and read a few of your entries. It is so sincere and heartfelt. Boy, the pendants are CUTE...I really like the Flying Cherub pendant or the Be Mine cute!!!Hope your family is great and enjoying LIFE. Much love to you and Dave!!!
    Pam Broder
    Cape Cod

  4. Congrats on 100 posts! I love reading your blog - you're a blessings.

    The pendants are so nice, it's hard to choose just one. I think I'd choose the the Faith (crown) one. But maybe the Free Beach one.

    The "other" Dawn

  5. yippee!! 100! an amazing milestone... and i am enjoying the journey! now i have to go check out the jewelry :)
    love from the other-other dawn :)

  6. i'm back! i love your friend's shop! i am quite partial to rosie the riveter (did you ever watch Homefront? it reminds me of that show i LOVED!) but my favorite? it will be okay. oh, becuase i believe it. i remember finding out i was pregnant with my son... the day beofre we were leaving MA, headed to FL. no jobs. no insurance. and my mom asked me waht we would do... and i said, i don't know. but it will be okay. she asked how? and i said it will be okay. because it just has to.
    and it was :)

    happy day to you my friend!

  7. Wow, 100 posts. I think you do know what to write...teehee... I'm going right now to check out Cathy's shop, and tell you what I like. I'll be back.

  8. okay, it's me, I'm back. :) I love her pendants. I like the Hope Pendant. Oh, and I DO follow your blog. Thanks for a chance at this cool give away!

  9. Woohoo 100 posts! And many more to come, I hope. You know I love reading you. :) If I were to win a pendant, I would want the one that says "be" on one side and "breathe" on the other. In fact, I might have to buy it if I can't win it, cuz it has daisies on it and they're my fav. Love you!

  10. Dawn I'm so glad I got clued into your blog this week! I have really enjoyed reading your "processings" and you're a wonderful writer. And I do love your friend's work as well - any gal with soldering tools is a.okay in my book. I have two favorites - "Dreaming of Paris" because my daughter is always dreaming of going to Paris with me; and the "I love you more than cupcakes." We have a thing we do at night with our kids going back and forth saying "I love you more than..." and then fill in the blank with things like ice cream or cupcakes. Plus my son's favorite thing in the world is cherries - and I love that there's one on top of the cupcake!

  11. Dawn,

    I'm wondering if you remember me? I was one of your clients when you did at home america (or something like that). It's good to see that you are doing well.

    Thank you for creating a blog about nothing in particular. I love to read it and wander through it. I enjoy reading Cathy's blog too. I met her recently when she did portraits of my family. Needless to say I am a huge fan! I read her blog all the time, she makes me smile!

    Congratualtions on your 100th blog. Maybe someday I will join you and blog about nothing in particular too;).

    If you are still doing a giveaway, I'd be honored to win. I think I'm going to pick my favorite is going to be the "put your big girl panties on" and the "poopy love". it changes everyday, I love her work! It's so unique!

  12. I so enjoy your blog!! Congrats on your 100th post and here's to many many more!!

    The pendants are all so cute!! I love the blue butterfly and I am also a sucker for the monogram too!

    Looking forward to the next 100 posts!!

  13. Dawn--First of all congratulations on 100 posts--that's 100 more than me!!! It's been fun to catch up with your life a bit & be encouraged on this journey of life!

    My favorite charm from your very talented friend's sight is the one entitled "grow" with the green leaves.

  14. Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway! It was hard to choose indeed, but the "be." pendant was my favorite, I think.


  15., I am a follower, but I don't get here as much as I'd like. Hope you still love me. :0)
    I love Cathy's things. One of these days I am actually going to order just about everything in her shop.

    I think my favorites are:
    where is your heart
    be sparkly (bet you couldn't guess i'd pick that) :0)
    and it will be okay.

    can't pick my favorite-est yet. I'll work on it.

  16. Hi Dawn!
    Congrats! 100 posts! WOO-HOO! Way to go.
    Love, love Cathy's things!
    Favorites: Once Upon A Cure, Where's your heart, Good Enough.
    First time to your blog from Cathy's. :)
    Jen from Cali

  17. I love the Where's Your Heart necklace - the music one with a heart cut out. This is a great giveaway! I love all her work!!

  18. I am now a follower of your blog! :)


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