Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And the winner is...

Dawn from Dawn Writes!

As you can see, I used a very scientific method to pick a winner.  I put everyone's name on torn up paper--two times for followers.  I mixed them up, looked away and pulled the slip you see above.

It is pictured on my bed.  Cause that's where the scientific method was conducted.  While I was in my pajamas.  Just keepin' in real, bloggies.

Anyway, Dawn was one of my very first bloggie friends and followers.  We found each other because of our common name--she always signs her comments to me "the other Dawn".

Dawn wins her choice of super-cute pendants from the multi-talented Cathy Walters!  Congrats to you, other Dawn.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! As I told you in my email, I so very rarely win anything that I was truly shocked when I read that I WON!

    And, yes, I am "the other Dawn" 'cause you know there's just the two of us Dawns who are bloggers, right? LOL

    Be blessed!

  2. Beth is a little bit jealous of both Dawns! First, for "other Dawn" winning, and second, for Dawn having a friend named Dawn. :) :) Yeay to both Dawns!

  3. Congrats Dawn, which one did she choose?

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