Friday, February 19, 2010

Company Girl Coffee 2.19

Wow, is it Friday already?  How does this happen?  (and do I always say that?)  It's time for my weekly update with the Company Girls, which besides catching up with bloggie friends, serves the purpose of me remembering each week that flies past in a blur.

Valentine's pops for Pickle, Bubba, and Pickle's friend

Well, first of all, thanks to so many of you who said you'd pray for me last week when you read I was feeling emotionally poopy.  It is very humbling to think that women all over who (whom?) I've never met in person, would take the time to bring my heart and me before the Lord.  Deepest, deepest thanks.  Can I be so bold as to ask that you not let up?  I had a great weekend with Pickle's friend visiting from CT and the Olympics and Valentine's Day and an extra day off...but this week has proved pretty tough emotionally again.  Yes, there are stressors I could point to...but not enough to make me feel how I'm feeling most days.  So, I've made a decision to at least start documenting the whole thing, and on the advice of my counselor-sister Kerry am going to give myself a timeline that if I don't feel back to normal by the end of--I'll be off the doc to talk about getting back on my meds. Boo.

(My thoughts about going back on the meds are weird and complicated and probably affected by my emotional state, so I'll spare you them at this point.)

two of my biggest emotional supporters--Hubby and sister Kerry--isn't this a cute pic of them?

Now, lest you worry too much, I am not curled in the fetal position or stuck in bed sobbing or anything.  (at least not yet...ha!).  But I'm grumpy (ask my coworkers!) and too teary and not enjoying my normal things so much.  So yeah...if you've struggled with depression, you know those aren't great signs.

But enough of that.  Blech.  I don't like typing it any more than you like reading it...but since I aim to be real here...there it is.  In all it's ugliness.

There's plenty of good going on in my heart too.  Bible Study has been great.  We are studying Esther.  I am getting a ton out of it.  My quiet times have been good too.  I have no doubt that my Redeemer is walking with me.

I have been adventuring into the land of twitter.  So I have been tweeting or twitting or twittering....whatever the correct lingo is.  I even joined my first twitter party this week regarding sponsorship for Relevant '10 (which I'm dreaming about) and I was TO.TAL.LY out of my league.  It twitted by so fast, I was overwhelmed!  Maybe I'm too old to be a twit!?!  You can follow my twit-ness if you so desire by clicking on button on my sidebar...perhaps its good for a laugh.

Tonight we are headed out to dinner with the family to celebrate my dad's birthday.  I love my dad.  And my family.  It should be fun. And tomorrow night the groupies girls and a few others are headed to a wild and crazy girl's night out. Watch out, here we come!

I have a fun community event I'm planning at church called Easterrific!  I finally got my little planning team together this week, and they totally ROCK.  They have already been productive and are making things happen.  I'm so blessed.  My biggest task for the event at this point is the "Easter Walk" part of the event--where families travel from room to room experiencing the story of Easter.  I am rewriting the curriculum, and I think God has given me the main direction. (Hooray!)  Now I need to find time and creative energy to get that puppy written!  If you care to add that to your prayer list while you are praying for my sanity--that would be awesome.

Fun on Valentine's Day with Pickle's Valentine, Pickle, Pickle's friend and Bubba

Our family has started our little lenten journey through the Jesus StoryBook Bible.  We have already had some wonderful discussions.  I'm praying we stay the course.

Well, if my emotional life is a little shaky, there should be no surprise that my house is a M.E. double S!!  Getting that taken care of today and this weekend ought to lighten my mood substantially.  Looking forward to housework might be the true definition of insanity...but I am.  Kinda.

Well, girls, it's more than time to hit it.  Housework, dentist for the kids, visit a friend in the hospital, and shopping for my dad are all on the agenda for today.  Hope you all have a great week, and that you are able to take time to reflect in the midst of the days blurring by!

A special welcome to anyone who might be visiting from Heart to Heart with Holley.  


  1. Good morning, Dawn! Loving your honesty - there's too many blogs out there where everything is too perfect. That just fuels the fire that all of us women face regarding our feelings of whether or not we measure up. I think your plan of documenting and setting a deadline is perfect. I'll be praying for you!

    Wish you were close - I'd meet you for coffee (well, diet Coke for you!) in between one of your errands. Hope you enjoy the day and the fun weekend you have planned.

    I'm off to do housework myself!

    PS - Do you Facebook?

  2. You know I love honesty- that's why we're friends, among other reasons. :) Sorry things have been funk-y this week, too- looking forward to girls night tomorrow but would love some coffee/coke time with you. Glad the V-day weekend was good with the kids, too. Love you!

  3. ((Hugs)), but more importantly prayers are coming your way. "Emotionally poopy" is an excellent way to describe those feelings - I've been feeling that way myself lately. Thinking about all the blessings my Savior has given me does a clean house. The clean house is just more restful...helps my mind calm.

    Enjoy every minute with your dad and family!

  4. I've been there before and I'm sure I'll be there again. You're not alone in the ugly parts of life.

    on a completely unrelated note, I LOVE your new blog layout

  5. Glad you're better, and praying you'll be 100% soon. I know a good bit about depression--having a sister who has dealt with it for many years. Treatment has come a long way in the last 20 years, and I'm grateful there are some good meds out there. Hang tough, girlfriend.

  6. Hope you begin feeling better soon! I love the community of women we have in Company Girl that will cover you in prayer when needed!

    How wonderful to have a good support system!

    Can't wait to hear about all the Easter activities

  7. Thank you for being vulnerable! I think a lot of us go through down times and are afraid to deal with it. It's so important to be aware of what's going on with you. I hope and pray you'll be able to pinpoint some triggers and, if needed, get some 'outside' help. You are not alone! :)

  8. We are praying for you here, and won't let up. Your sister sounds like a smart lady!

    Your Easter Walk sounds awesome!

  9. I'm glad you got your little support team there. We all need one in our lives.

    I have not tried tweeting yet, and probably don't plan on it. Oh well.

    I'm glad Pickle got to spend some time with her friend.

    Have fun planning the Easter event. It sounds like fun.

  10. OK I'm almost a week late, but hope there's still coffee on?

    Dawn, I appreciate your honesty in the tough parts of life...a) nice to know I'm not alone in the poopyness, and b) good to have friends, even online friends, that can say "we're here for you!" You are in my prayers.

    Blog layout is awesome..I covet. Great job...I especially like the doodled header.

    Twitter: I have a love/hate relationship with it. May try to "tweet up" tomorrow and see if we can round up the CG's to make a group. I have to ask Sweetie some advice...she knows everything.

    Hope you've have a good week! Love, Rachel


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