Tuesday, February 16, 2010

words written on the page

I love blogging.  It's a newish hobby (how long can I say that?--it's been about ten months).  Like for many of you, it's an outlet.  I process best outside of myself, which means talking (mostly) and writing.  Blogging has been a way to write and connect with others at the same time--which is wonderful for me. I learn from all of your feedback on what I post, and I learn from what I read from all of your amazing hearts and minds.

But today is Tuesday, and time to unwrap a gift with Emily at Chatting at the Sky that may otherwise go unnoticed.  And today I am unwrapping the gift of words written on the page, the gift of writing in my journal.

In my journal, I unload what's on my heart.  I document the things God is showing me in His Word and through others.  My heart's struggles pour out through my pen and end up as ink on paper--where somehow they lose some of their power over me.  I pray in writing.  And I wonder things in words I'd never say out loud.

I love paging through my journals and remembering the places I've been emotionally, and seeing God's Grace entwined in the midst of it all.

Tuesdays are my Panera mornings...so I'm off to put my (preferably colored) pen to paper, and give my  soul a written breath.


  1. First of all, your blog layout is divine.

    Second, I'm with you: there is nothing like words on a page. I don't do it as often as I used to, but there is something healing about putting pen to paper.

  2. Still wishing for my new blog design. :) You know me- the journal is the way I deal with my life.... no journaling equals not dealing with my life. direct correlation. Hope your Panera time was good- wish I could pop over and have a coffee/Diet Coke with you.

  3. I love journaling the old-fashioned way. So therapeutic looking backwards and seeing how I got to where I am. And writing honestly, with total transparency... there's the secret.

  4. colored pens AND panera? *sigh* sounds like a good time to me :) and while i don't journal, i do love handwriting!

  5. I've been asking God why I am in such a funk lately and he is using these Tuesday unwrapped posts to remind me I haven't cracked open my journal outside of taking sermon notes in quite a few weeks...I think I just unwrapped my problem (with your help =)

  6. Love your new layout. Did you do it yourself?

    My mom writes her prayers on paper. I love that about her. She also goes back and puts the answer to her prayers and the date so she can keep up with what God has done and is doing in her life. I've slacked off since starting a blog. You've inspired me.

  7. Great layout. I love the idea of journaling in different colors. I've always just used plain ole black. But you're right about setting things on paper, seems to lessen the load.

  8. I found your blog through Chatting @ the Sky...and it's lovely!
    I LOVE my journals! I am also relatively new to blogging and yet I still find myself craving that pen on paper outlet. Blogging is fun and I enjoy the interaction, but there's some things that I'm not ready for the world to share (or that they shouldn't share).
    I hope you had a great time at Panera!

  9. Loving the Blog Layout!
    And yeah for you for the real writing. I used to do that...and I NEED to do that. But ask me if I do.
    Wait! Don't ask, because I don't like the answer. Maybe colored pens would get me pumped about it again. I think I'll give it a go!

  10. aww give your soul written breath--that's great. I must point out how neat your journal looks compared to my chicken scratch. :)

  11. I love written words. Sometimes when I've hit a block, I turn off the computer and pull out the notebook and a good ink pen.

    I linked to you on my blog today. Hope it earns you a few new readers!

    Be blessed!

  12. Hi Dawn. I'm so glad you helped me make that connection between you and your mom!

    I was going to send her book directly from Amazon, BUT I ordered some other stuff so had it shipped to me. Will you tell her that as soon as I get it, I'll mail it to her?

    And by the way, your blog makeover is SUPER! I love it. I remember visiting your blog once or twice before but I didn't follow you (now I am) and I lost touch.

    Anyway, glad to have rediscovered you. And which Panera do you go to on Tuesdays? I was there today this morning. My husband was there yesterday morning. The one in the Shops at Bgate. Is that yours? ;)

  13. We're birds of a feather, we are!
    I LOVE to be able to retreat anywhere with coffee that lends a place to sit and mull over and process the many thoughts that somehow find clarity when colored ink hits journal pages.

    visiting from tuesdays unwrapped...


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