Friday, March 5, 2010

it shouldn't count as exercise...

It's a lame excuse for exercise.  BUT, it's better than sitting on the couch.  And it's fun.  Its the Wii Fit.  When my family bought it for me for mother's day before it even came out...I was skeptical. Happy Mother's Day, mom--do yourself a favor and get fit!  But I quickly learned my skepticism was unwarranted.  The Wii Fit is fun!  I am not good at it, and I hardly ever have time to play on it.  However, when I do get the chance, or make a point to--I have fun and appreciate the immediate feedback.  Like someone knows I'm moving.  AND (most importantly) they can't see me do it!

Then at Christmas this year my family gave me the Wii Fit Plus and this super-cool board skin:

isn't it sassy?

Well, I am not here today to sell you on the Wii Fit and accessories.  Instead, I'm here today to confess something.  On Wednesday this week I fit in a little Fit-time.  I did some yoga, some strength and some kung-fu (hysterical), hula hooping, and rhythmic boxing.  Sounds like a lot, but not really hard at all.  Just fun.  However (here's my confession) on Thursday I was sore. SORE!  From the Wii Fit!  That's pathetic!

Ah, but the pathetic continues. Today is my day off, so I had time to get it back out.  I was having a great time...enjoying the activities I picked and lined up in a custom "workout".  But then I realized that for Island Cycling--I had unlocked two advanced courses without realizing it.  Island Cycling, you see, is just my speed.  You sort-of-march on the board and steer yourself around a pretty course and find flags.  You can't die.  You can smack head-on into a tree and there is no penalty.  Nothing shoots at you or is thrown at you.  You don't have to delicately balance.  It's easy.

here I am ready to go for a ride:  (like my mii?)

I clicked on the advanced course--and set out on my "ride".  And can I just say, right here in front of all of you, that this thing KICKED MY HINEY!  There were 22 flags to find, and I found 21 fairly easily, but found myself riding around and around and up and down and over bridges and through tunnels in pursuit of the last flag.  I started to acknowledge that I was getting a bit tired. ('s just the wii!)  My achilles hurt (you are barefoot when you do the Fit).  Where was the stinkin' flag?! ?  I finally found it in what I personally would call a secret tunnel...and then I had to find my way back to the finish line.  Only, there was no easy way back.  I'd head the direction I though I needed to go, and I would fall off a cliff and have to start back at the flag.  It took me FOR.EV.ER to figure out!  And what is normally a race that I think would take 5 minutes--took me 7.4 miles and 25 minutes!! Seriously??

So feeling a bit foolish, I called my Fit-out done for today.  I don't know yet if I will admit this to my kids.  Not sure I want their sympathetic looks...

I think I'll stick with what I know for the rest of today.  Blasting music and cleaning the house.  Running errands.  Pick the kids up at school.  And I think we'll keep my Wii-Fit-Fail between you and me, bloggies.  And I will have to think up a good story about any SORE that shows up tomorrow...I'll take suggestions.

Linking up with the Company Girls at Home Sanctuary for a little Friday hello and glimpse into my life today.  Girls, if you'd like to read something with you know, meaning, I submit to you my pickle-post.  Happy Friday, all!


  1. I did the bicycle flag hunt once- never again! It was torture!

  2. I love it! (not the part where you're sore, but the post in general.) sorry the wii kicked your bootie today. :) But pain is good, right? :)

  3. Yup, wii fit does that to you. It's so fun though...especially watching others playing it. =p

  4. What an fun post! I've tried several of the WII games with my son and his wife and could barely get out of the bed the next day. My chiropractor fussed at me. :o) Blessings to you and a Happy Spring!

  5. the adults in our house (who will remain unnamed) have had several injur-wiis. :-/

  6. Too funny! I love the wii fit! Or should I say, I used to love it. If I got back on today, I would be reprimanded for how long it has been seen a workout. It is fun, though!

  7. Sounds awesome! Yay for you and keeping going! (wow, that is grammar for you...but I am from Arkansas, so it's ok, right?!)

    btw, I love the new layout!

  8. This is so funny. My mom has a Wii Fit too, and she says the same thing about it. Your board skin is SUPER sassy, love it!!


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