Friday, March 19, 2010

A Love Letter to Mr. DVR

Dear Mr. DVR-

I have a love/hate relationship with your partner, Mr. TV.  We have a long, sordid relationship.  I love Mr. TV best when I am not supposed to be doing something else, and one of his totally engaging programs allows me to veg out and relax.  I love Mr. TV when someone I love and I can laugh together at something funny he broadcasts into our home.  I love Mr. TV when he gives us the option of an appropriate show that our whole family can enjoy together—either learning, or laughing, or rooting for someone to dance their best.  Yes, sometimes I have a deep love for Mr. TV.

However, Mr. TV is also a time-sucker and priority-messer-upper.  I don’t like him when he's those things.  Sometimes he acts like he is in control, and he never should be.  I don’t like when he makes me watch something I’m actually not that interested in, just because it’s the only thing on.  Or when I don’t have time to watch Mr. TV, and he broadcasts something I like so much I find myself putting what’s important aside to view him, because I can’t tear myself away.  I don’t like when I’m totally absorbed in a program and my kids need my attention, and I see them as an interruption.  (Oh, I really hate you then, Mr. TV.)  And when I need my kids to focus on real life conversations and responsibilities, and he steals their focus, causing them to ignore and blow-off those things—I could seriously throw Mr. TV out the door at that point!

But then, I’d miss him, I’m afraid.

That’s why I’m so glad he found you, Mr. DVR (aka Mr. Don't View Rightnow).  You take Mr. TV’s control away.  You have restored a right relationship between Mr. TV and me.  You strengthen his strengths and limit his weaknesses.  Mr. TV doesn’t get to suck me in when I don’t have time…I can press record and watch it later.  If I need the kids to do something and they are in the middle of a program, they can hit pause, do what I need them to, and come back.  When I decide to watch TV, I am not subject to Mr. TV’s whims as to what he thinks I want to watch.  Mr. DVR—you are saving my favorite programs for me—ready whenever I am.  You have the power, Mr. DVR, to make favorite shows wait until chores are done or until those who are too young for the content head to bed.  And your memory, Mr. DVR, truly helps this ADD-ridden family—as you remember when our favorite shows are on, and silently keep them for us.  And don’t even get me started on how, with you, I no longer need to watch commercials…

Bless you, Mr. DVR.  I {heart} you.


  1. I have a Mr. Tivo and I have been in love with him for a few years and even my husband doesn't mind because he loves him too. Ahhh love the tivo and don't know what I'd do with out him. Probably either ignore my family or never watch anything entertaining.

  2. oh the inventions that i couldn't do without! i'm sorta ashamed to admit it... but my tivo really is on the need list :) i love how it puts me in control of the junk i watch :) i might just copy your letter and pass it on to my tivo :)

  3. I could write a whole post on the pros/ cons with DVR vs. TiVo. We love them both so much. Jason got me a TiVo for V-Day SEVEN years ago- that would be a month after they came out. So sad. But we are now addicted. And let me tell you- I think it is so weird that our kids think you can watch anything at anytime! They will never learn to tell time like I did- little hand past the 3 and big hand on the 6 means He Man. Nosirree. HeMan comes on whenever we tell him to. And that makes me happy!

  4. We had a DVR for a short time, but gave it up to save money. I MISS IT SO MUCH!! Seriously, I really wish we had one. But, I can watch what I miss online the next day, so it's not the end of the world. It would be really helpful with the kiddo, though. There are few famiy-friendly kids shows at night these days. Sponge Bob and iCarly just aren't for my 3 year old. One of these days!!

  5. We have a Tivo, which has saved our TV viewing lives. Without it we would never catch the first 10 minutes of Lost or Community. Thank you to all of the DVR's and Tivo's out there, you are a life saver. :-)

  6. LOL..we were a cable/DVR free family up until about a year ago. Now, I honestly wonder how we surrvived for all those decades with just three channels.

    I LOVE that we can watch any show at any time!


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