Monday, March 15, 2010

Unwrapping on Tuesday.

Tuesdays Unwrapped at Emily's Chatting at the Sky reminds us to see the little things we might overlook as gifts to be unwrapped and enjoyed.

I had my Tuesday moment on a Monday.  (is that cheating?)  Hubby had a board meeting tonight, so the kids and I had an early dinner on the way home from our afternoon.  When we arrived home at 5:30, the sun was threatening to sink below the mountains any minute, but it was still light out. Thank you daylight savings time, (even though I want my hour of sleep back)!  Pickle asked her brother if he wanted to play outside in the yard for a while. (muh huh?  Did I hear that right??)  It surprised me.  Even though they like each other most of the time, they do get on each other's nerves as all siblings do.  They usually choose to play with each other as a last resort. Yet, without any prodding from me, they happily ran outside.  I heard them laughing and quickly grabbed my camera to snap some shots.

Today, I am unwrapping this:

and this
(notice the awesome action shot--Pickle kicked off her shoe when she kicked the ball)

and this

Nothing to take for granted here.


  1. Stopping to enjoy those moments is what life is all about!

  2. "Nothing to take for granted"?? I should say not! Aren't you glad you snapped those photos? They're priceless!

  3. Great picture of some fantastic kids!! Grandma loves them both!!

  4. Beautiful moments!!! Thanks for sharing!! (those times are rare around here! lol!

  5. Great memory pics. Thanks for sharing.

  6. [love] - what wonderful photos!

    And your new look! it's just perfect! I've not been blogging so much lately, but I'm trying to return comments; thank you for stopping by so I could visit you too!

  7. those smiles and that hug... a perfect moment. beautiful...


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