Tuesday, March 30, 2010

(in which I blabber on like you are interested...)

It's true, bloggies, I'm back.  My crazy week-plus is over and I think I can pull off a blog post or two this week.  I missed you!  I missed reading posts and interacting with you.  However, I did enjoy my blog-break once I accepted the fact that I was just going to miss a bunch of posts...and let it go.

Anyway, here's what went down since I last posted, folks.

Last weekend, the kids and I got to go to the Rock and Worship Road Show, featuring Sidewalk Prophets, Remedy Drive, Fee, Family Force Five, Francesca Battistelli, David Crowder Band, and Mercy Me.  We got there early and placed Phase Ten Dice as we waiting in line for the concert.  It was bright--notice the squint and the shades.

Here are the kids waiting for the concert to begin...

We had a great time.  I had never seen any of those groups in person, and enjoyed them all.  Well, OK, I might be a little old for Family Force 5--but they were certainly entertaining--as were their screaming fans!  I LOVED David Crowder Band.  If you get a chance to see this show...it's totally worth your $10 at the door.

My kiddos and my hubby had spring break this past week.  I, however, had a big event at the end of the week that had me working 12 hour days.  Boo.  They helped me a lot, and I managed to take Tuesday off altogether and we had a family day.  We planned to head to Denver for a museum or two, but a predicted snowstorm kept us in town.  Instead, we did some shopping together and then took in Alice in Wonderland in 3D.  I never liked the Alice story before--but really enjoyed this version.  Alice was a wonderful heroine, and her adventures kept us all engaged.  Johnny Depp always does weird so well--and he does the Mad Hatter in a mad-yet-loveable way.

And, I might just have to work "Off with her head!" into my vernacular, cause it looks so satisfying to say when Helena Bonham Carter says it.

On the way home from the movies we got caught in the predicted snowstorm and had a treacherous ride back.  We got several inches of snow in a matter of a half hour or so--it was crazy!  I really appreciated snuggling together when we finally made it to our warm and cozy home.

Our Easter community event (Easterrific) pulled together well.  I worked hard, and in many ways have not recuperated yet...but I am a few good night's sleeps away.  Another snowstorm kept the turnout lower than I would have liked, but that is out of my control (I had to keep reminding myself of this).  We had a carnival and The Easter Path--an interactive journey through the Easter story that I worked really hard on.  I think it turned out to be a meaningful experience for many.

While my family and I were busy Easterrificing, my middle sister, Kim was flying into town for a girls weekend together.   We laughed a lot!  And although I was tired, I had a faboo time.  I hope Kim did too--we miss her!  Here is a pic of the girls at lunch on Sunday--Kim has been joking that she needs to get glasses.

We also made really cool washer necklaces...here is Kim and Pickle working on theirs.

Here are the ones I made before they were dry.  In fact, they still might not be dry...we were a little heavy handed with the glaze...

We all went to The Thorn--a fantastic, sensory-overloaded, intense Easter play put on by a huge local church.  It is a meaningful part of our Easter celebration--as we go most years.  This was Kim's and Bubba's first time and Pickle brought her "valentine" for his first time too.  You can get a glimpse of the spectacularness here.

I took Monday off from work to hang out with my sissies and mom some more...and we shopped, went to Pickle's dance class and enjoyed a family pizza night at our house at the end of the day.  It was after pizza that my 3 year old nephew might have squeezed my bottom and tried to pass it off on my hubby.  The kid's hysterical!

Today, it's time to get back into the swing of things.  I had my morning at Panera, a start-to-catch-up day at work, and have a short list of stuff I want to do tonight.  Mostly, I want to go to bed early.  Cause I'm beat, bloggies.

Here's hoping for more meaningful posts to come...thanks for letting me blabber my way back into blogland.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh man, you and your sisters and mom are practically identical! What a gorgeous family :) I'm glad you found some fun in a busy few weeks!

  3. Every part of your week sounds great...except getting caught in the snowstorm! Will you share direction for making those necklaces? They look cool!!!

  4. I love the picture of you, your mom, and sisters! I bet you have so much fun when you are together. Love the washer necklaces too...looks like a fun craft! :)


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