Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a gift unwrapped

bubba and his bedhead this week

It was just a few words.  In the midst of the morning routine.  As I was trying to tame his bed head, we looked into the mirror together to see if it was "good enough".  And then he said it.

"I can't even explain how much I love you."

A nine-year-old made in God's image.  Reflecting God's character. Unconditional, unexplainable love.  My heart swelled with love for this gift, this boy.

And for the Father, who in the midst of all of my feeble attempts at loving and caring for those He gave me--says the same to me.

I can't even explain how much I love you.  

Today I'm unwrapping the gift of unearned, unimaginable love in the midst of the ordinary messiness of life.  For more gifts unwrapped, visit chatting at the sky.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. And I'm sure your heart just melted. Those boys are good for their mothers.

  2. Such simple words can carry such healing joy.
    Isn't it amazing though?

  3. Awwww. Little boys are the sweetest! Hopped over from Tuesdays Unwrapped!

  4. wow I love that kid. He's so insightful without even meaning to be! Love it and love you!

  5. i love this! especially because my son gives me the evil eye when i am trying to smooth out the bedhead! i think he is poud of that sticking up hair!

  6. oh wow. so good of you to jot this down -- how quickly we forget/overlook these sweet little moments...


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