Monday, April 12, 2010

sometimes we can't see...

Sometimes what we can see with our eyes is not the whole truth.  In fact, it usually isn't.  We are so used to basing truth on what we have proof of, what we can take in with our senses.

Sometimes it looks like nothing is going to change, nothing is happening.  We get discouraged.  We can feel stuck.

But our human eyes can't see the whole Story.  God is weaving solutions, changing situations and growing us under the surface.

And then one day, we see it.  And we realize we never should have doubted God's work, just because it hadn't sprouted into our awareness yet.

Spring, which comes slowly in Colorado, reminds me of God's work beyond what we can see--and I'm thanking God for that gift today.

For more tuesday gifts unwrapped, visit chatting at the sky.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. So beautiful!Thanks for sharing!

  2. Spot on. This is exactly the place that God has me right now, and I'm anxiously waiting to see it bloom!

  3. This post is sooo relevant in my life right now. Last year I was anxious wondering why things weren't working out. Later, things fell through and now, the situation resolved itself easily. Nothing but God's perfect timing!

  4. Simple and encouraging truth...His truth. Your words are beautiful reminders of His faithfulness in the midst of our short-sightedness.

  5. His timing is perfect, even when our minds consider it slow. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  6. Great post; thanks for the encouraging reminder!

  7. Lovely post, and lovely pictures. I wish I'd gotten one of those little gardens like you. Good reminder for me today as I'm trying to see why some things are going on the way they are and am really struggling.

  8. Those pics were great. I didn't know what that was. I'm glad the Lord isn't finished with me yet, either. Blessings**

  9. Yes! So glad He is doing some under the surface work in me!

  10. nice quotation...i like...!!!


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