Friday, April 23, 2010

the unexpected

Life is full of the unexpected, huh?

I was excited to post pictures of our trees finally budding.  Spring comes late in Colorado, and while many places are in full bloom, we are just barely beginning to green up.  I have been watching for buds on my two trees in the front yard...and they finally appeared!

And today, April 23rd, we woke up to a snow storm!  Pickle has a snow day and Bubba had a snow delay.  I think some popcorn and a movie are in order this afternoon!

And here are my buds today...

Also unexpected this week is that my in-laws visit has been dominated by a rough week for my husband's back. {boo} It is so frustrating and discouraging for him.  He spent a good portion of this week upstairs in our bed while I hung out downstairs with his folks.  Poor guy.  We saw two doctors this week and got no real answers other than the go-ahead to try whatever alternative treatments we want to, and a prescription to try physical therapy again.   We keep praying and asking God to help us find the answer.  I am happy to say that yesterday was a better day, and he was able to go to work.

Whether a snowstorm, back pain, or whatever else comes along, the unexpected keeps us on our toes.  And on our knees.  Nothing catches God by surprise.  I take great comfort in that...

Speaking of being on our toes, we have Pickle's dance recital this weekend.  Here she is at rehearsal last weekend--ready to perform with her worship dance class.

I think she looks lovely.  And that is not a surprise to me at all.  {smile}


  1. She is BEAUTIFUL!!!

    We are having crazy weather, too! However, we haven't had snow (thankfully) that would quite possibly put me out of my mind! Although it would totally take care of my allergy issues...hmmm!

  2. Oh, she is lovely indeed! I don't know if Chiropractic has been suggested for your hubby, but I swear by it. I had such severe back issues 2 years ago and saw Dr. after Dr. Finally,my Dr. cousin said I needed to seek Chiropractic care and I did. It certainly was not an "over night" fix, but after 4 mos. I began improving and it was uphill after that. I continue to go a couple of times a month now and also use an inversion table. I do not know what your husband's exact issues are, but perhaps Chiropractic would help. Blessings to you!

  3. Wow, snow in April! Good grief. But your pics are pretty. :) And your daughter, what a lovely young lady. I know you are proud! Hope your hubby feels better.

  4. The rain was pouring earlier here (Northern CA) this week (and a bit of hail too), and it is beautiful out today. But snow! Winter is sticking around for a bit huh? Sorry to hear your hubby's back is still not well. During the end of my pregnancy, my back was just aching. Was not fun at all. Your daughter is beautiful. Have a good time at the recital.

  5. My first thought mirrored Kathy's. Wow! Snow in April. Here in SE Texas we can't relate, although today and yesterday brought cooler temps here.

    Your daughter is quite lovely. I hope your husband finds the answers he needs.

  6. It's pretty much almost summer here, so the thought of snow is flabbergasting. Although, it would be flabbergasting at pretty much anytime of year here in Florida! Your pictures look like they come from a different world.
    Continuing to pray for your hubby...
    Your daughter looks so lovely.

  7. She IS beautiful! I know you must be so proud of her! My oldest is a dancer. I cry almost every time I see her dance.

    It's hard to imagine you all are just starting spring. We are all green around here. The azaleas are almost all done. Hang in there. Certainly THIS will be your last snow!

    Hope you've had a great weekend!

  8. oh... pickle is so lovely. and i just bet she was fantastic... dancing to praise! i hope by now your husband's back is feeling so much better. saying a prayer for him right now! and your snow... wow! it is pretty, but i guess we are all ready for spring!


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