Monday, May 10, 2010

10 things I'm diving into right now...

Thought I'd join Meredith at Life at 7000 Feet and her fun 10 on the 10th blog party.  Today I'm listing 10 things I'm "diving into" right now.

1.  Depression Free Naturally by Joan Matthews-Larson.  This book was recommended to me by a friend, as hubby and I try to figure out how to handle our emotional health better than we are.  It came in the mail on Saturday!  I think some big changes are on the horizon...

2.  Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  I've been wanting this for a long time...and got it for Mother's Day!  Sarah has taken time to listen to God and write down what He was saying to her.  She compiled some of her writings into this devotional book.  I already love it.

3.  The Floating Finale Leader Guide for our summer High Seas VBX.  Besides being the VBX director, I handle the closing each day (love being with all the kiddos!!) and it's time to delve in!

4.  Healthy Eating blogs like Super Healthy Kids (a new find!).  As part of our desire/conviction that we need to eat better around here...I am looking for resources of how to feed my family good food as easily as possible. Got any suggestions???  Help a mama out!

5.  Church Music by David Crowder band.  Another Mother's Day present--excited to get to know more of Dave's music.  I already love a few of the songs and have great memories from seeing him and his crazy hair in concert a few months ago.

6.  Kari Jobe's CD.  Another Mom's Day gift!  I listened to this while I got ready this morning and think it's going to be very meaningful to me.  Kari has an incredible voice.  I am going to pretend I can sing like her as I sing along.  (for the sake of my family, I'll try to keep that to when I'm alone!!)

7.  Yoga.  Not getting all eastern-religion-like, but am doing Yoga for Back Pain (easy download!) with hubby most nights...and it's making me want to dig out some of my older yoga DVDs.  It's good exercise and I can do it before bed, cause it relaxes me.  I feel very out of shape.  blech.

8.  Summer plans!  Other than VBX and a conference Pickle is going too--we've got nothing nailed down.  Hoping for some swim lessons for Bubba and maybe a little getaway or two.  Better get on with the planning soon!!

9.  Laundry.  How mundane, but really bloggies, there's a big Mt. Washmore over here.  I've let it pile up I'm afraid and I need to dive in.  Yesterday.

10.  Thoughts on Sabbath.  Taught the kids yesterday at church and missed my pastor's sermon that's got everyone thinking and talking.  You can listen to it here.  I'm going to. Then I'll continue the conversation with hubby about how we obey that command in our lives.

That's enough for this week, huh?  With the exception of laundry, I'm excited about it all!  Just need an extra few hours each day to do the diving in!

What are you diving into these days??


  1. You got a lot of awesome Mother's Day gifts!

    The yoga is sound particularly enticing to me right now...I threw out my back on Friday (commence long weekend of laying on the couch with heating pad -- not a bad thing, actually) -- perhaps some gentle yoga might help get things back in alignment? Who's worth a try!

  2. oooh, love yoga!


  3. That book about depression looks very interesting!

    I have both of those CDs and love them!

  4. liking your 10! and i am so glad you got Jesus Calling! my copy has been calling and for the last few (days?) i have been plugging my ears... don't know why.

  5. Those are all good things! Well, all except the laundry. ;)

    We're doing High Seas for our VBS too!

    I have a friend up here who leads Holy Yoga classes. Google it! It's Christ-centered and while I've never been, I've loved hearing her talk about how cool it is. (Truth is I'd rather exercise outside than inside!)


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