Tuesday, May 4, 2010

the gift of perspective

In just a few moments, I am headed to a funeral.  For a man that lived a few houses over, who not long ago was riding his bike around the neighborhood as was his practice.  He was a librarian, a husband and a father.  And he was killed in a car accident. In one terrible moment, he was gone.  His teenaged daughter was at the pre-prom dinner with her friends when her mom came to get her.  To tell her that their lives had been ripped apart.

I whine.  I get tired.  I get frustrated.  No answer yet for hubby's back pain.  Pickle missing too much school due to headaches.  I am weary of my heart hurting for them.

But they are here.  Here for me to care for.  To hug and pray for and bring medicine too.

Perspective. It's a gift.  I'm unwrapping it today with Emily at Tuesdays unwrapped.


  1. Thanks for this sober reminder of the fragility of this thing called life. I'm trying to squeeze every moment out of it. So sorry for the loss of your neighbor.

  2. Wow -- a real wake up call. I need to be reminded of this every so often as I too tend to whine about little things while others are facing herculean troubles. Thanks.

  3. Dawn, I'm so sorry. It's so easy to forget perspective. Praying a solution for your hubby and daughter.

  4. I didn't realize you knew their family- this was a tragedy talked about at youth group and at our school, too..... thank you for the gift of this perspective, Dawn. Love you

  5. Yes, perspective is a gift, isn't it?
    Sometimes I forget to be thankful. So sorry for the loss. My friend's niece just passed away. She left behind a 4, 3, and 1 year old and was delivered of her 27 week old little girl before she died of complications from cancer surgery. Elizabeth was only 24 years old.
    I'm sure they would appreciate your prayers also. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=121899827822124&v=wall

  6. oh dawn...
    this takes my breath away. here... and then gone. joy... and then sorrow.
    makes me want to hold them all a bit closer tonight...


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