Monday, May 17, 2010

I hate sayin' it...

You know, the B-word.

Busy.  That's what I am, that's what my husband is, that's what my kids are.  I hate saying that because I think we totally overuse that word. But honestly, sometimes it fits and life feels full right now.  It's not that I don't have ANY time to blog, just no leftover energy to put thoughts together.

So, I'm popping in to say hello and that I'm not, you know, dead or anything.  Just the dreaded B-word.

I'll leave you with a picture or two from Bubba's Wax Museum at school.  He was Billy Sunday of all people.  He froze in his pose until someone pressed his "start" button, then told a bit about Billy's life and allowed visitors to guess who he was.  Hubby and I had a great time pressing buttons and "meeting" all sorts of famous historic people!

Happy Crazy-May everyone!


  1. I've been struggling with our busyness this spring. My blogging has taken the hit. Sigh. But things are starting to wind down. Just want you to know that I totally understand.

  2. Hang in there, and take time to relax when you can. Love the good pictures!

  3. The finish line is in sight, Dawn! ;0) Then, you and kids will be home all summer with NOTHING to do! Ack! ;0)

  4. At least you post to say you're busy. I just drop off the face of the earth. But I hear you, since we're busy people, it's hard to explain when we're actually beyond busy..... we need a new word for these times.


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