Tuesday, May 25, 2010

it's just a part of their life

tuesdays unwrapped at cats

Yesterday would have been Aidan's 11th birthday.  He's gone, but very much a part of our family.  On his birthday each year, we honor him by having a family night.  We visit his grave, and usually go out to dinner.  Sometimes we do something fun--just the four of us.

Sitting at the cemetery yesterday, where one child is buried, I watched the other two.  They bopped around, noting names and dates of the little ones buried in "The Garden of Angels"-- a part of the cemetery set aside for babies.  They paused at their brother's grave, as well as at the newer grave of their cousin Sadie.  They placed rocks--on which they wrote messages--on both graves.

As the sun sank in the sky, we couldn't help but notice Pickle's tall silhouette.  She was so small the first time we came to see her brother's "name".  Much time has passed.  Having a brother in heaven is not odd to these two.  It's just part of their life--their reality.

Bubba asked yesterday morning (on his own initiative) if he could bring some mementos he has of Aidan to school--wanting to introduce his classmates to the big brother he never met.  It is important to him to acknowledge Aidan's life.  I understand his teacher read the entire memorial bookmark to the class--including the lyrics to the song we had printed on the back.  Bubba said she cried a bit as she read.  Bless her for allowing Bubba to share this part of his life with his community at school.

It's just a part of their life--my other two.  A normal, but important, part.  God has woven Aidan's story into theirs.  I think it's beautiful.  I'm unwrapping this gift today with emily at chatting at the sky.


  1. i just want to wrap my arms around you... i love the way you celebrate aidan's life. and the way he is still a part of your everyday life. i have always admired my cousin's family for that... my niece just talks about her brother all the time- he would have liked this, etc. alive in her heart, for certain.
    thanks for sharing his story, and the story of you :)

  2. So sorry for your loss, Dawn. It's beautiful that you still set aside time to honor Aidan. Stories and memories are what keep those we lose alive.

  3. What a beautiful tradition and wonderful way to celebrate and remember little Aidan. This touches my heart. God Bless-

  4. What a moving post, Dawn. God bless you and your family.

  5. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing Aidan with us!! How beautiful that his life means so much!! Praying that VBS goes well for you and you can relax after it's over!

  6. How beautiful it is that you honor this precious life. My heart hurts for your loss though...


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