Friday, July 30, 2010

Nothing much. What about you?

For a brief week or two, things have slowed down.  No guests, no major plans.  Last weekend we....wait, what did we do??  Oh yeah, nothing!  Not as in--we're bored, but as in--we slowed waaaay down.  We had no plans and we made no plans either.  Had plenty of time to clean.  Didn't.  Bought groceries and cooked.  And otherwise, just did what we wanted to.  It felt weird.  It shouldn't have, but it did.  Hmmm.

In the midst of all the laid-back-ness, today is a special day.  The littlest member of our family (for a few more days til his sister arrives) is FOUR today.  Happy Birthday to my fast-running, dimple-sporting, never-stopping, silly-goose, rocket-loving nephew Caleb!  I love you sweet boy!

In other news, in just thirty days, I am going to be a shred of my former self.  Just thought I'd give you due warning.  That is, as long as I stick with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD workout.  I can't believe that 20 minutes of anything would be hard.  But, um, I'm old.  And out of shape.  But I've done 5 days so far!  And it's so easy now! It's still hard.

I am hoping that the slower pace will allow me some reading time...cause a book I've been wanting to read finally became available at the library this week!  Last night I checked out The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  I must admit I don't know what it's about, but have had enough people tell me it's one of their favorites and that they couldn't put it down.  Plus, come on, it has the cutest cover ever!  (Nevermind about not judging a book by it's cover--I totally am this time.)  I'll let you know what I think about the inside...

So, this week I'll be shredding and reading (among other things) while waiting for my niece to arrive .  If all goes as planned, I'll be back next week with pictures of her cuteness!  Today is my day off, so if the weather holds out we are hoping for an afternoon at the pool!

Catching up with the Company Girls today...


  1. Caleb is a cutie! Those dimples are irresistible.

    Good for you for sticking with the Shred! I can't do exercise DVDs - I end up sitting on the couch to watch them, LOL!

  2. Happy Birthday to Caleb. Have fun with your family. Keep us informed about "shred."

  3. I read The Help a couple of months ago...LOVED it!! :)

  4. Sounds like a great week. Except the 30 day shred part. I like to call it 30 days to a slow, painful death...but maybe that's just me! Your nephew is a cutie!

  5. You go girl! I lost 17 pounds in 8 weeks on the Quick Weight Loss plan... never exercised one bit. Very healthy diet. Not easy, but the easiest I've ever lost weight. Good luck with Jillian!! She's a hard taskmaster.

  6. Great job! I am sure you will achieve your goal.

  7. Hello! I started The Help in the last week too, but I'm off to a bit of a slow start. I hope to read more this week. And like you, I don't know much about it except that it came highly recommended.
    Unlike you, I am not tackling the shred. Although I admire you for doing it...maybe some day I'll be that motivated!
    I realized this time visiting that we have kids very close in age. My girl is 13 and boy is 10...
    Have a great week!


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