Thursday, August 5, 2010

Blog-Hopping with Robin

Robin at Pensieve is hosting a Blog - Hop party and I decided to hop on in!

Hi bloggies, my name is dawn and I am so glad you hopped by!

I have been married to Dave for 20 years (it sounds long to me too--but it has flown by!) and we have two great kids--a 14 year old daughter I call Pickle, and a 9 year old son I call Bubba.  In real life they have real-people names, but these are their actual nicknames. Dave and I also have had the privilege of having another son--Aidan.  Aidan only lived for four months before he went to be with Jesus.  You can read some of his story here.  I am a Children's Ministry Director for our church.  This is a part-time job that sometimes is more like full-time--but I LOVE it.

I am in my early 40s and am experiencing all that goes with that--including getting bifocals this year (yikes!).  I like to say I feel younger on the inside than I look on the outside.  I love my family, diet coke over ice, eating out, living in Colorado, talking, colored pens, a good laugh, and the rare extended moments of quiet.  I love Jesus the most.

I call this blog theGoodlife because although God has allowed some trying days for us throughout the years--He redeems everything and makes it Big-G-Good.  You can read more about theGoodlife here.  I write about life--sometimes I'm serious, sometimes I'm silly.  I strive to be real and authentic--even with some of the yucky stuff.

I hope you'll hop back again and we can be blog-friends.  And live happily every after.  The end.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Aidan, he is in a good place.

    We have often thought about moving to Colorado, it is so beautiful! We get tired of the hustle and bustle of So Cal.

    Nice to meet you...stopping by from the blog hop!

  2. Dropping in from the BlogHop - just wanted to say hi!

  3. I am sorry to hear about your son. Our 10 year old son passed away in 2004 of cancer. It is hard at any age, but only God can get us through. ♥
    It is really nice to meet you on the Blog Hop.

  4. So sorry to hear about your son. I lost a baby during pregnancy two years ago. My son is now 14 months and a blessing every day!

  5. So sorry to hear about your son. I lost a baby during pregnancy two years ago. My son is now 14 months and a blessing every day!

  6. This was fun to read. Helps me tie things together. Thanks for sharing a bit of your life.

  7. Stopping in from the 'hop'! I have been married 12 years and I agree how fast it goes by. So sorry about your loss, but it is wonderful to hear how you have seen God's blessings as well! :)


  8. Dawn, Thank you for stopping by Lilac City Momma and sharing your kind words. I read your story about your son, and Im very sorry for your lose. Im now following you and look forward to more of your posts!

  9. Stopping by from Blog Hop '10! I am your newest follower :)

  10. Thanks for hopping over to my blog! It's so nice to meet you. . . I love what you said about God redeeming everything and making it all good. So true :]

  11. We are on the verge of making a decision about moving to Colorado, so naturally, my mind is swirling with questions for you.

    But maybe I shouldn't overwhelm on my first visit? Instead, I will just affirm with a Big A that I have also seen God redeem the painful and ugly in my own life. I love your outlook. It's true.


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