Tuesday, September 7, 2010


My dear friend Carly is a woman who loves and pursues God.  She also is fun and sassy--which makes her a truly delightful person to know.  She has invited and challenged the women in her life to spending an hour a day with God over the next 24 days  (Sept. 7 - Sept. 30).  Here is what she says, 

"While I love my time with God, I have struggled over the last couple months to meet with Him as much as I'd like to.  I've let life's distractions steal my time with Jesus. What came to mind was to commit to spend at least 1 hour a day alone with God for 24 days.  While I don't believe there is any "cookie-cutter" right way to spend time with God (amount of time, time of day, etc.) and there isn't any magic in the 1hour/day equation, I needed a solid & well-defined commitment to jump start and build momentum in this area of my life and 24over24 is what God laid on my heart."

Don't you just love her?!?  

Carly and me.
I have decided to join in--even though I am not an-hour-a-day-quiet-time sort of gal.  I tend to be a two/three hours once or twice a week, twenty minutes other days, and some days a quickly muttered prayer of desperation as I run out the door to my day.  So, at Carly's invitation, I am going to try this whole consistency thing.

I would sincerely like to invite you to join us!  

Seriously, this invitation is for you whether you are a regular reader of theGoodlife (bless you faithful few!) or just have found yourself here by way of chatting at the sky, or other haphazard clicking.  If you have stumbled on this post, consider this an invitation from God and me.  If it's no longer September 7, so what?  Do less than 24 days...or extend it past September.  As Carly says, there is no magic formula.  

If you would like to join in the 24over24 challenge--let me know it the comments.  It will bless Carly's socks off to know you've hopped on board with us! I will follow up with you all in some way, and maybe even have a linky party in a week or so to hear about your experiences.

Perhaps you have never spent time with God, or not much, but you are interested.  What do you do?  Again, no magic formula, now am I an expert, but I can make a few suggestions: 

1) Be intentional.  Pick a time, pick a place as my pastor says.  It can be a different time on different days if need be...but figure it out before each day begins or it will slip away.

2) Pray.  Simply talk to God and ask Him to lead  you through your time with Him.  Tell Him your concerns and fears.  No special words needed--He's just glad you are talking with Him.

3) Read God's Word--the Bible.  You can find a reading plan online, or you can try reading 5 Psalms a day.  ( I start with the Psalm that coordinates with today's date and then keep reading every 30th Psalm until you read 5.  For example, today I would read Psalm 7, Psalm 37, Psalm 67, Psalm 97, Psalm 127.  You can read them all in a month that way.)  You could also read the chapter of Proverbs that correspond with the date.  If you are brand new to God's Word, you could start by reading one of the Gospels that tell about Jesus' life:  Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.

4) You could also read a devotional.  There are many wonderful devotionals out there.  My current favorite is Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  It is SO good, and deserves it's own post one of these days.

5) Journal your thoughts, your prayers, what you think God is saying to you.  I NEED to journal.  It's the external processor in me.  You might not.  You might draw or sit quietly or sing in response.  It's your time with God.

6)  Listen.  This is a difficult discipline for me, but one I am working on, and will specifically work on during 24over24.  God wants to speak to me, and I look forward to what He has to say.

7) Don't give up.  Miss a day?  Not quite get to an hour?  Don't stop.  Don't stop!  Perfection is not the goal.  Hanging out with God is.

Today, I am joining emily at chatting at the sky for Tuesdays Unwrapped where we celebrate everyday gifts.  Today I am celebrating that God has given me friends like Carly to challenge and encourage me.

Again, I invite you to join in 24over24!  I am excited to see how God will work in our lives as we do.  Just let me know you are going for it in the comments, and leave your email if it isn't attached to your profile.  This way, I can include you in any follow up info.  I'll be in touch!

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. I know I have been feeling like I needed a kick in the pants lately with my prayer life. I've been doing fairly well with Bible study, but my prayer life has been lacking.. Thank you for the encouragement!

  2. okay, friend... i'm praying on this. i want to join, but a sense of fear strikes me. i suppose in the failing... because i can see the failure already. but i think that is just why i need it. i'll let you know how brave i am.

  3. Dawn that's a great plan! I love your helps of which I will use. Thanks

  4. I'm going to do the 24/24 as well. I've been struggling for any quiet/in depth time spent with God lately.

  5. I'm in!
    Thanks for the sweet comment over at my place today!

  6. Great idea, Carly! I would jump right in, but I'm with Dawn. I'm fearful of failure. I'll pray and see what God has for me.

  7. I'm in. krista at cyburdine dot com.

    I don't have time. I'm stressed. I've got a lot going on right now. Family drama. Deadlines. School. Fall chaos kicking in.

    But how can I not? How can I share water from the well when I'm not drinking from it myself?

    I'm with Carly, a specific goal is measurable, making it a way to build momentum.

  8. i am not a regular reader, but i do follow your blog and i totally needed this tonight. i'm struggling with some things in my life and i need God to deal with them. so thank you for doing this. i'm definitely on board!!


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