Friday, September 10, 2010

Caffeine Time

It's Friday again.  I love Fridays, they are my day off from work at church. The kids and hubby are out of the house.  And it's quiet.  I catch up on stuff.  Do crazy things--like, you know, laundry.  And, I catch up with some bloggie friends at Home Sanctuary and have some virtual coffee diet coke with them.

This week has been about two main things for me:

First, this Sunday is our fall kick-off for our children's ministry.  We are changing things up a bit and I am really excited.  I have been recruiting and training staff, learning songs, thinking about the environment I plan to create, preparing this Sunday's lesson, etc. etc.  I have LOTS left to do.  But God has led clearly and provided all along, and He will get me to Sunday as ready as He wants me to be.  He has been teaching me to be still and let Him do the fighting.  So I am doing just that.

Second, my friend Carly has challenged her girlfriends to spend an hour a day over 24 days with God with a 24over24 challenge.  I thought that would be manageable, I can easily spend an hour or two with God when I make a point of it--and do that a few times a week.  So I joined in and invited my bloggies to join in too. (I have been thrilled with the handful of gals who are going for it...God is working!)  What surprised me, is that while I love to spend time alone with God--finding an hour every single day is tricky.  It's worth it though, I can already tell. It's not too late to join us--find out the scoop here.

This Friday finds me a little busy.  I spent the morning helping in Bubba's class.  The house has suffered the results of a mom-with-brain-overload week, a sick daughter, a sick dog (yuck!!), and some assorted laziness and distraction.  So I am in the midst of catch-up (as usual) so that I can stand to be here.  Aaah, it will be good to find the counters again...

Just for fun, let me show you what I came home to last night.  Dave and I were at church for meetings.  Bubba who normally isn't much of a sports watcher, has decided to embrace dad's team, the Minnesota Vikings in full force.  We came home to find him in front of the TV--all decked out in purple and yellow with signs he made to set the tone.  We just cracked up.

it's good with the shorts, huh?
see the signs on either side of the TV?
Dave says this is a beautiful thing.
And this morning we told him the bad news.  They lost.  He wore his vikings sweatshirt today anyway.

Off to get-ready-for-but-not-worry-about Sunday, to make my surroundings peaceful again, and to sit and listen to God for an hour.  Have a beautiful day, bloggies.


  1. Nice to see how you're doing. Hope your weekend is perfect.

  2. My eldest daughter and I are the co-ordinatorsn for the Sunday school program and we had a dickens of a time getting enough teachers this got quite discouraging! We have a big Rally Day for the whole church this wknd and the following wknd we start our's been hard to get totally prepared when we didn't get all are staff till a couple of weeks ago! I like the hour a day idea....quite a commitment!

  3. The beginning of any season is exciting/nerve-wracking/busy!!! Sounds like you are really looking forward to this change and I pray that it all goes well for you this weekend.
    I loved the picture of your son decked out with his signs. . .what a fun thing to come home to!

  4. I love the new profile pic on the blog. Super cute!

    I am rooting for you as you make changes in your children's ministry. It's going to be great! I've just taken over preschool Sunday school planning and it's a lot of work, but so worth it!

  5. Love the signs. That's fantastic. =p

  6. We are starting a new curriculum for S.S. too and it is so tough to get used to all the new stuff. Hope you get everything in order!

    I love it...your son is very exuberant, our family would like the colors...purple and gold...but they would prefer the team to be LSU.

    Hope you had a great weekend!


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