Tuesday, September 21, 2010

little by little

tuesdays unwrapped at cats

When I thought about what to celebrate today with emily, my first thought was of the little 3-pound weight loss I measured this morning after a week of trying the weight watchers system. I've been counting points, doing math, eating well.  I am very happy with my 3 pounds--especially since I'm only going for 12 pounds total--I'm a quarter of the way there!  I must admit, however, that somewhere deep inside my fantasizing self, I hoped for a bigger change.  Cmon, I watch The Biggest Loser--the first week is always the biggest loss.

And then God reminded me.  Like He does.  He takes an ordinary situation and speaks to me.  He said lasting change is like that most of the time.  Little by little.  Almost undiscernable at times.  And He wasn't just talking about weight at that moment... How many times have I struggled with the same issue over and over in my faith walk?

I remember many years ago God showing me an image of a telephone cord as I asked Him why I never change.  I always end up in the same place! (now go with me bloggies, to the old coiled telephone cords that let you walk several feet away from the phone and still be on it--I told you it was MANY years ago!) He said it only looked to me like I was in the same place...but from His perspective I had moved along the cord, and was a bit closer to his perfect will for me.  As I continue to seek Him and let Him work in me, I will continue to move along the "cord".  I will continue to find my self at the front of the coil (looks like the same old place....) but I need to remember that from His perspective I have come a long way.   He is working.  He is shaping me.  I will continue to grow and change.

Little by little, Dawn.  Don't give up.

So, today, I am thankful to say goodbye to 3 pounds, and to remember that lesson of long ago.  Tiny little changes in the right direction--will eventually add up to moving closer and closer to Him.  He has redeemed me, He is changing me.  Little by little.


  1. 3 lbs is a big deal! And inching closer to God little by little is even better and bigger!

  2. yea for you! That is great 3 lbs. - 1/4 th of the way there. I really enjoyed reading your encouraging words, how HE is still working on all of us.

  3. I totally love your cord analogy. I love that he is always on the other end.

  4. You and your blog are beautiful. I feel good just being here.

  5. Great analogy and super good job on the 3# loss...you go girl!

  6. Yeah, good for you! I need to tackle the same thing. You are right, tiny changes can add up to permanent habits. Thanks for the encouragement.

  7. i love that image of scooting down to the phone cord... getting there, little by little!

  8. This was selected as one of my great posts of the week.


  9. little by little is the best approach to most of life don't ya figure. One foot in front of the other, keep on going. Yes, I think you are doing fabulous and your faith is strong and with each step it will get a little easier.


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