Tuesday, October 5, 2010

everyday grace

pickle and bubba goofing around with photo booth
I asked him five times.  Once last night, and this morning four times.  He was very excited to be having a field trip today.  He is heading to the very top of Pikes Peak.  He needs a sack lunch.  As we pulled out of the driveway I asked him again.  Do you have your winter coat?  gloves?  your lunch?  Yes.  He had everything.

We drive the 20 minutes to school (hubby normally does--but it's a bad back day).  The kids pile out and I wish them a good day and drive off.  I drive 20 minutes home.  I'm ready to grab my things and head to Panera for my Tuesday morning mini-sabbath.  Hubby met me before I even got out of the car.  He was holding Bubba's lunch.  I couldn't believe it.  Apparently my son had tried to chase me down in tears as I was driving away...poor boy.

Pickle apparently responded to her brother's cries, tried to call me on my cell (I had it on vibrate) and eventually gave him her lunch for his trip.  She was hoping I'd make it back in time so she could get her lunch back, but she wasn't sure if I would.

So, I didn't like it, but I knew what I needed  to do.  I gathered my things along with his lunch.  Gotta get back there before he leaves on his trip.  Frustration abounded.  What about what I need to do?  It will be another hour before I can start my day now.  I asked him specifically about his lunch.  More than once. The spinning, selfish thoughts. Ugh.

Then I stop.  I remember.  Just yesterday emily posted this story about being shown grace and mercy as a child.  I commented that I hoped I would respond the same way if faced with a similar situation.  And look--I had my opportunity to practice grace with my son already! I jotted him a note on heart paper that said, "oops.  I love you." and inserted it in his lunch.

And God reminded me about how I pray for Pickle and Bubba to get along well.  She seems annoyed by his very existence often these days.  She's a teenager, I know.  He's a little brother, I know.  It's not always easy to be kind.  This morning Pickle showed compassion and kindness to her little brother.  I was touched--that was really sweet.

So, I took the heart paper back out and wrote her a note for her lunch.  I need to affirm that kindness when I witness it.

So...even though my cell phone died as I pulled into the school parking lot which meant I needed to return home one more time before my panera time, and that I couldn't text Pickle to tell her that her lunch was waiting for her at the office...it was still a beautiful morning.  I  got the chance to show the grace I hoped to show.  I remembered to do it.  Bubba experienced it--I saw it in his face as he mouthed "thank you" to me from his desk.

I got to peek at the part of my teenaged daughter that cares for and protects her brother.  I saw her showing grace today.  I could think of many other ways she could have reacted.  She put her own needs aside for his.

Yes, it was a beautiful morning.


  1. I too have siblings that seem sometimes that don't care deeply for one another. but, in the end I know that would come out fighting if someone did something to the other one. Makes your heart just smile don't it?

  2. wow. well said. i had a similar experience this morning. all before 7am and very inconvenient. i just kept telling myself "i'm gonna miss this. i'm gonna want this back" so i could muster up a smile when i drove up to the high school i could conjure up a smile as i handed over the forgotten item...

  3. wow. well said. i had a similar experience this morning. all before 7am and very inconvenient. i just kept telling myself "i'm gonna miss this. i'm gonna want this back" so i could muster up a smile when i drove up to the high school i could conjure up a smile as i handed over the forgotten item...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dawn you did a great thing. You made me smile-I think we've all been there, but you turned it around. Blessings**

  6. So perfect. And your daughter giving him her lunch? That is priceless. I'm so glad you directed me to this post, Dawn!

  7. Whoever said perspective is everything sure got it right. I loved this, Dawn. Grace begets grace. It really does.

  8. {sigh} beautiful that you could find beauty in this... and have a great big grace-lesson to boot. what a morning... i love this post :)

  9. Well, now that just warmed my heart. It was always a delight to me when I saw our son and daughter show acts of kindness towards each other. I think we can all use a "grace lesson" way more than we get one so thanks for sharing! Blessings to you!

  10. How nice to know that the kids will take care of each other in a pinch. That is so awesome that they get to go to Pike's Peak for a field trip!

  11. I'm pretty sure that the last thing I'd have been thinking about was how to extend grace in that situation. Kudos to you for offering that to your son...and your daughter...and for letting God redeem the rest of the day! :)


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