Monday, February 28, 2011

A baby shower!

Any mama whose been nurturing a life inside her for months and months deserves a party!  My friend Becky is due next week with a little boy and the groupie girls and I threw her a shower on February 5.  It came together really well, and I'd thought I'd share some of the fabulousness.
me, Beth, Becky, Carly, Kerry
When you stick four heads together, you are bound to come up with some great ideas.  Here are my favorites from the shower:

1)  Letting go of the light blue.  No offense to you traditionalists, but we just couldn't get excited about doing a light blue shower.  So we decided to go with the color scheme Beth found on some mommy-pretty invitations--navy and lime green and white.
tissue paper poofs added a festive touch

a simple centerpiece with ribbons and pillars
 clothesline of baby boy clothes
3)  Three Words:  Fruit. Infused. Water.  Carly's mom put together this beautiful water decanter with fruit.  It tasted amazing.  I couldn't believe how refreshing it was!  (if you want to do it yourself, Carly's mom says put the ice in first, then slide the fruit around the outside.)

I want some now.  mmmmm.
4) No group games.  It was a large guest list, and the last time we had a crowd at my sister's shower it was almost impossible to get everyone in the same room, no less play a game.  And everyone would rather visit anyway.  SO, we had various stations set up around the main rooms.  At their leisure, ladies could get food, visit, guess the baby food, sign up to bring Becky a meal, sign a keepsake, guess facts about baby-to-be, and guess the price of various baby items.  After about an hour of this open-house style, we gathered whoever was interested and Becky opened her gifts.  We also announced game winners and awarded small prizes.  It worked GREAT.

guess the baby food!

5)  Fabulous food.  Everyone made something, and a few others helped too.  The menu for this morning shower:  cupcake balls, croissants, raspberry chocolate chip scones, snicker salad (do you know about the amazing treat this is???), hawaiian cheese spread, egg casserole, fruit, and raspberry bars.  Y.U.Double-M!

It was so fun to honor our beautiful friend, Becky.  Can't wait to meet her little boy!

Becky and me

Hope you enjoyed the glimpse of Becky's shower!


  1. What a happy time! I love the colors!

  2. Oh, what a fun, fun time and you look just beautiful in these pictures. Love that jacket! A happy week to you!

  3. Wow- I love it! So classy- and I love the navy and lime colors! I have a friend who is pregnant with a boy here in Laos- maybe I can use some of your ideas to throw her a shower! So fun :)

  4. Now that's a party to remember! I am so copying you, just lovely!


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