Monday, March 14, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

I was thrilled when my mom gave me a copy of Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts.  I have been wanting to read it, and hadn't sprung for it yet.  I have read less than two chapters so far, and am purposely reading slowly.  Why?  Because I can tell already...this is a book to be savored.  Like a rich piece of dark chocolate you let melt slowly in your mouth, I want Ann's words to soak slowly into my soul.  This is a beautiful book that is destined to be a classic.

Now, I have a confession.  I joined Ann's online gratitude community many months ago--pledging to document 1000 gifts in my life.  I did it for a while and posted some of my gifts here on theGoodlife.  Then I let it go.  I'm not sure why.

My mother in law gave me this beautiful journal for Christmas, and I quickly decided it would be my new 1000 gifts journal.  I started again at #1 in January.  And then, before long,  it sat waiting for me again...

Ann's book, which makes a case for living fully and gratefully, has challenged me to pick up that journal and start documenting my daily gifts again.  I will try to do it nightly.  I will try to post gifts again here on Mondays as a form of accountability.

Here a few of the most recent gifts listed:

62.  the privilege of disciplining my daughter:  I know that sounds weird, but when her actions deserve consequences, it is a privilege to be part of training her to be the woman God has called her to be.  She knows that, and although doesn't like the consequences, she settles into them, secure.

63.  girl's night at becca's:  I was invited to spend the night with some dear girlfriends.  We ate yummy food--cheeses, jams, berries, olives, bread--talked about our food journeys, laughed and delved into an art project they planned.  God is challenging me in the area of faith--so I made this collage.

the girls:  Carly, Becky (several days overdue!), Cathy and Becca
65.  the freedom I have from God to let go:  I don't have to be in charge, to make things happen, to manage.  He's already doing that.  I'm often getting in the way.  What joy it is to let go.

66. pickle wrote her first song with her guitar:  how I love to hear her sing and play...even if her first song was a tribute to Justin Beiber.  Really.  {smile}

Enjoy your day, bloggies.  Look for the gifts in your day!


  1. Dawn, wonderful post. We do have many gifts when we stop to look. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I just ordered the same book and am really looking forward to reading it...thanks for taking the time to post a few of your reflections.

  3. I used to keep a blessings journal. Very rewarding.

  4. I've really been giving serious thought to keeping a "blessings journal" along with my prayer journal.

    I love, love your Faith collage!

    Blessings for a beautiful week!

  5. I wish I could have come on Saturday, I'm so jealous of the artwork I've seen so far! I've been wanting to read this book, too, but haven't gotten it just yet. Right now I'm waiting for "Organized Simplicity" to come in the mail from Amazon... perhaps my next book with be this one.

  6. Visiting from Ann's blog today :) I am so glad you are reading the book and keeping your list again. I too wax and wane but am always so full of eucharisteo and joy when I count the gifts. And this week with all that is happening in Japan I need to be fixed completely on Him. May you walk with eyes wide open and pen recording this week!

    P.S. The girls night looks like so much fun!

  7. Thank you for the kind words you left on my 1000 Gift post! I loved your sweet list: "the privilege of disciplining my daughter" gave me chills...I needed to be reminded of what a privilege the training part is! thank you!

  8. Beautiful collage Dawn! Girls night looks like so much fun. What a blessing! Writing her first song... how sweet! :)

  9. Such a beautiful journal --- I'd be scared to write in it!!! Glad you did though! Pickle's first song. That was my favorite on the list today. How precious is that!
    Thank you for continuing your list. It was a blessing to be here. I've read the book 3 times over now, and I'm warning you, you will never be the same!


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