Sunday, March 20, 2011


Saturdays are usually filled with chores, errands, Bubba's soccer or basketball games, and some procrastinating.  This Saturday was none of those things. (Well, maybe the procrastinating.)  There is much to do around here...and we had a whole Saturday to do it--but we didn't.  Guilt wants to creep in, but I won't let it.  We had a spontaneously fun day...and that is what we needed.

The morning started slowly, waking up leisurely, chatting and laughing long before our feet hit the floor.  Then we remembered that it was free-breakfast-day-at-Chick-Fil-A!  We hurried to wake up sleeping beauty and get dressed and ended up joining my sister and her fam and some friends for some chicken and visiting.

Pickle and I decided we wanted to attend an event at Focus on the Family where the Duggars (of TLC fame--19 kids and counting) were speaking and making an appearance that afternoon.  Pickle is a big fan and I figured there could be a lot worse choices of reality stars to meet, so why not indulge her?  We missed out on getting tickets to the event (I snoozed and lost--oops) so I agreed to buy Pickle their book so we could attend the book signing they were doing afterwards.

We had a great time.  They were all there (minus their youngest, Josie) and sat at a super long table, signing and greeting.  Pickle's first exciting moment was seeing the TLC crew filming and recognizing them from TV (from Jon and Kate plus 8 she thinks).  It got even better when they filmed her asking a question for the Duggars to answer on their show.  I had to sign a release for them to use the footage if they choose.  Then we spoke with and met almost all of the super-family, and they signed Pickle's book.  I especially enjoyed meeting Michelle Duggar, she exuded warmth and joy and genuineness.  And she looks fantastic for  a woman who has birthed and raised 19 kids.  It was a totally fun afternoon.

To top the day off, we got to visit with our friends who just had a baby.  Remember Becky and the shower I posted about?  Well, the little guy arrived on Wednesday and it was such a joy to meet him and hold him.  We shared an impromptu dinner together, played with his big sister (who is not quite two) and got to visit a good while.  He is precious.  There really is nothing like holding a new and tiny baby.

the only picture we took of baby Jackson
It was a lovely, unplanned, relaxing and fun Saturday.  My house remains a mess, but sometimes it's worth it.

What did you do this weekend?


  1. Dawn, what a lovely day. Good for you! And yes, tiny babies are just miracles that fill my heart all the way up. :)

  2. Loved this post, Dawn. I so enjoy hearing how other people spend their Saturdays, what makes them smile, and such. What a fun day, and how special to meet the Duggars.

  3. Oh, that sounds like such a fun time. I often watch "19 and Counting" and just am in total amazement of their lives. I would love to meet them.

    Sometimes it does us good to deviate from the norm. Good for you!

  4. I love the Duggars! So cool you got to meet them. :) Praying for you and your family.

  5. I just found your blog and became a follower! You have a beautiful family! :) Erin

  6. Michel Duggars does look great, God bless her:)


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