Friday, May 27, 2011

Been a little "tied up" lately...

Me being mummified on Sunday morning with the kids.
This is a weird season for me.  Just as things wind down for the kids, things pick up for me.  It is like this every year.  So, while I long to embrace the slower months with the kiddos, I can't slow down.  It is definitely the season of lists (which really help me when I don't lose them!) and so I figure a list is in order here.

1.  School has wrapped up for the kids.  Wednesday was the last final for Pickle and the last half-day for Bubba.  Bubba's end to 4th grade included a state fair project, a field trip, field day and a music performance.  Pickle's involved her first final exams, some grade-salvaging (including me re-learning geometry to help her study--yikes), and final choir performance.  It was a blur, but it's done!

2.  (Bragging mom alert)  I am so happy for Pickle.  She just loves-loves-loves to sing.  She has been taking voice lessons this year.  She has enjoyed her high school choir experience very much--especially the trip to Disneyworld to compete at the end of April!  She aspired to be a part of the select choir at her school one day.  Auditions for the fall were a few weeks ago, and she was in the midst of a terrible cold.  She auditioned anyway.  There was only one alto spot open--so she figured it was a long shot at best....  I will not forget the sound of her voice when she called to tell me that she was selected!  Not as an alto, but as a soprano!  She is the only one from her grade added to the 20-voice choir.  (There is one other sophomore-to-be who has been in it as a Freshman).  Everyone else is an upperclassmen!  She is THRILLED, as are we.  Guess we are buying another dress...

Pickle with two of her friends after her choir concert.

3.   After picking the kids up from school Wednesday we celebrated the beginning of summer in a favorite way. We grabbed a chick-fil-a lunch to eat on my mom's deck as we watched the Air Force Thunderbirds put on a fantastic show for the Academy graduation.  We were joined by my sis Kerry and her two little ones, and our friend Nicole.  It's such a fun perk to living here--as we get to see this show annually.  A great kick-off to summer!

There they are!

goofy posed picture while nothing was happening.  :0)
a non-posed picture of us actually watching.  :0)
My friend Tamara got this shot--which shows what they looked like when they banked over  my mom's house.

4.  I am busy planning VBX--to be held June 13 -17--and am deep in it right now.  We are doing Group's Pandamania-Where God is wild about you!  The whole VBX is based on Psalm 139--filled with the truths about how God feels about and interacts with each one of us.  As things get crazy-busy, it helps me to remember why we do this, and I get excited about kids embracing these important truths for themselves.  It's what keeps me going.  We have planned for double the kids this year--but so far registration is on pace with our normal numbers...will you pray with me that God sends the kids He wants there?

5.  For the first time this year, we are also taking VBX on the road!  Two weeks after our VBX, we will be holding VBX in inner-city Lincoln, NE!  We are partnering with a church-plant there that is only 18 months old and has never had a VBX.  They are in a poverty-stricken area, are under-resourced, and we are so happy for the opportunity to partner with them.  We are taking a large group of teens and adults from our church--and it will be a great team.  However, the amount of unknowns for this venture are sometimes overwhelming.  It's a step of faith for many of us...which is an exciting place to be.

6.  Today is my day off (perhaps the last Friday off until July!) and I am hoping to rally my kids to work with me to get their rooms and our home closer to clean and organized.  Right now it seems one of those terrible tornadoes took a quick spin through our house...

There's more, but before I fall any further into my usual pattern of making my lists unrealistically too long, I'll stop here for today.  I hope this weekend finds you doing things you love and with people you love.

Be back soon, bloggies.

Linking up with the Company Girls today.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's that day again...

Aidan's birthday.  He would have been 12 today.

Aidan David--May 24, 1999 - September 30 - 1999

Today we remember him.  And miss him.  And rejoice that he is safe and whole in the presence of our Redeemer.  And thank God for the ways we have been shaped because God let him come into our family, and because God let him come Home.

We love you sweet boy.  Happy Birthday.

Genesis 50:20 (from Joseph's story)

...but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done..."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear Neglected Blog:

painting by Bubba
Hello blog.

Remember me?  I use to visit you frequently.  Writing out my thoughts, processing my everyday life.

It was good.  You were an outlet for me.  I got to process with you.  I shared everyday ramblings and deeper musings as well.

What happened to us, blog?  I didn't mean to walk away.  It wasn't a deliberate decision.  We didn't break up.  It was a slow fade.  And the longer I stayed away--the bigger deal it seemed to come back to you.  So I put it off.  I didn't want to explain, because there was no one big reason or explanation.

But, I miss you, blog.  And I want to come back.  I don't know if I can be as faithful as I'd like to you.  I hope so.  But if not, I think I will get over needing to explain myself and just keep coming back.  You would want it that way, I'm sure.

Thanks for waiting for me.  Be back soon...