Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's that day again...

Aidan's birthday.  He would have been 12 today.

Aidan David--May 24, 1999 - September 30 - 1999

Today we remember him.  And miss him.  And rejoice that he is safe and whole in the presence of our Redeemer.  And thank God for the ways we have been shaped because God let him come into our family, and because God let him come Home.

We love you sweet boy.  Happy Birthday.

Genesis 50:20 (from Joseph's story)

...but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done..."


  1. Much, much love, my friend.

  2. prayers for you today beautiful lady :) You're such a blessing to SO many people and just wanted you to know that!

  3. I'm reading this two days after you posted it...but I imagine that prayers lifted two days later aren't too late. Let's get together after we both get into our summer groove--which for you, is probably after your VBX.


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