Friday, August 19, 2011

School Days and Catchphrase

I don't know if you have ever played the game Catchphrase...but this electronic game has a beeping timer.  It starts beep...beep...beep...keeping the pace of the game going.  As time gets shorter, the beeping quickens.  Beep, beep, beep, beep, beepbeepbeepbeep!  It makes me feel panicky--oh no!  time's running out!  

When I'm not careful with my thoughts...I can feel the same way as I see my kids grow up.  It seems like time is accelerating.  Beepbeepbeepbeep... yikes!  Back to school is definitely one of those seasons where I hear the rapid beeping in my head...

We had the fastest summer ever.  Really.  Before we knew it, it was time.   Tuesday was the day, and I made the kids pose for the obligatory first day photos.

Pickle is heading into her sophomore year.  I can hardly believe how grown up she is becoming!  (I know all moms say such things...but it's true!)

ten fingers = tenth grade.  that's how we roll.
And if it's not enough that my baby girl is a young woman, my little boy is in his last year of elementary school!  Bubba is in 5th still my soul.  Handsome little devil, isn't he?

While I want time to slow down, I choose to embrace.  Be proud of who they are becoming, be excited for each new step they get to take.  Walk alongside them while I can.  Hug them a lot.  And try not to be freaked out by the accelerated beeping I hear now and then in the back of my head...

Blog-hopping with the Company Girls today...


  1. That's a great looking crew you have. I love your blog header too! It's back to school for our 15 year old too this week and our older son is heading to college! Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

  2. Oh, I hear you LOUD AND CLEAR. My oldest is in 7th grade this year and just the thought of only having five more years of "back to school" is frightening!!! I'm reading an *awesome* book right now -- Vicki Courtney's "5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Son". . .so timely for me as we begin another school year. Have a blessed weekend with them.

  3. My two are still little, but time does go by so fast...there are too many moments when I want them to stay little.

    Great back to school pics! Hope they will have a good school year.


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