Wednesday, November 30, 2011

thirty thankful days- day 30-we made it!

Every day in November I am posting something I'm thankful for, and I would love to have you join me!  Link to your thankful post below, or write about it in the comments.  Let's be thankful together!

Well, we have made it to the last day in November and the last day of our thankful link-ups!  I'm thankful for all of you that have joined in whether it was once or everyday!

What have I gained by doing this exercise in thanks?

I hoped it would get me back in the habit of looking for reasons to be thankful...and it definitely did that.  Most days I had to work hard to choose what to write about from all there is to be thankful for...and some days I had to work a bit to come up with something.  I think our hearts fluctuate like that from day to day, but there is always something to give thanks for, and worth it to look for it.

I hoped it would help me get back into regular blogging.  I love writing and expressing myself, but for whatever reason it's been harder lately.  I can't figure out if I couldn't put two thoughts together meaningfully, or if there were just too many thoughts spinning through my head in this season to select one to write about.  Regardless, I knew thankful posts would be easy to write and could get me back in the swing of it all.  I think it worked...but time will tell!

I hoped to inspire others to be thankful.  To notice what to be thankful for.  To share their thankfulness with us and we in turn would be inspired.  Did that happen?  I know I enjoyed reading all of your posts VERY much.  You reminded me of gifts in my life as well.  Perhaps gratitude is contagious???

So, today, I'm thankful for our thirty day adventure in thanks.  I'm thankful for those who've joined me and I'm thankful for the ways you have challenged and reminded me.  I truly hope this little challenge was a blessing to you as well.

Keep on being thankful!


  1. I would agree that gratitude is contagious and it's nice when others remind me of things to be thankful for.

    Thank you so much leading this month of thankfulness.


  2. Thanks so much for starting the thankful link-up! I really enjoyed taking part in it. What a great month of thankfulness it was!

  3. Well, even though I missed the last day, I LOVED being thankful. I'm writing this on the 3rd, and was thankful even again today. Thank you so much for inviting me to participate in the thankfulness! :)


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