Tuesday, November 1, 2011

thirty thankful days!

It's November!

I don't know about you, but my October pretty much flew by.  We have had no shortage of craziness and inconveniences around here.  Oh, and busyness.  And emotions too.  There have been plenty of them as well.

When life gets like that, I can lose my perspective.  I can get a little overwhelmed, and perhaps more than a little focused on the wrong things. I have found, however, that nothing helps me regain perspective like being grateful.  And since November is the month of Thanksgiving, I decided to copy an idea my mom and others posted on facebook and plan to post something to be thankful for each day this month.  (It might also help me get back to a regular blogging schedule too, but it's mostly about being grateful.)

Would you like to join me?  I'll post a link-up each day starting tomorrow for those of you with a blog, and if you don't blog, feel free to leave your thankful post in the comments.  It will be fun!  Feel free to join everyday or just once or twice.  I look forward to reading what you are thankful for!

Today, I am thankful for my coworkers at church where I work as Children's Ministry Director.  We spent most of the day together today--working through the results of the "Style of Influence" inventories we each completed.  We learned a lot about how God has wired each of us, and how best to work together as a team.  It was interesting and helpful.  I am truly grateful for each of the wonderful folks I get to work with each day, and the way God has put us--each with our gifts, strengths and limitations--together to serve Him.
our church staff on a drive up pike's peak:
Gail, Katie, me, Erik, Don, Peter

I do not take for granted that I like my coworkers, and I like them a whole lot.  I learn from each of them regularly.  We laugh a ton.  We respect each other and trust each other.  What a blessing to be part of a team like that.  God uses each of them in my life--and I thank Him today for Don, Erik, Peter, Gail & Katie.

What are you thankful for?  Link up coming tomorrow--please join in!


  1. I love your idea... and I'll join up! May I swip your "button" to use for the theme?

    Looking forward to hearing all the thankfulness.

    Be blessed!

    The Texas Dawn

  2. Oops... that should have said, "May I SWIPE..."

    (And I'm off to a good start today! Haha!)


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