Sunday, June 21, 2009

Top Ten Things I Love About My Dad

(this post is modified from something I wrote to my dad for Father's Day)

1.       He’s proud of me.  He came to my cheerleading competitions in High School (and kept score by his own scoring system).  He came to volleyball games – even though I was only the manager--to watch my friends play. He speaks highly of me to others, and thinks I make a great Children’s Ministry Director and church leader.

2.        I always have known that his family is his first priority.  In his busy jobs over the years…I remember calling his secretary  a few times just to ask a question — she would put me right through to him, even if he was in a meeting — because that is what she had been told to do.  We always ranked above everything else.

3.        He thinks I can do more than I think I can.  Dad was convinced I could win a college scholarship for which I never would have applied for.  He drove me from New York to Boston and back in one LONG day so I could compete for it.  That scholarship allowed me to go to the school of my choice.  He is also the one who encouraged me for years to think about Children’s Ministry at our church.  I wasn’t sure…but he was.

4.        No matter how old I am, I am still his little girl.  He looks out for me, protects me, brags about me and is always concerned if I am doing okay.  I know he cares.

5.       He loves God, and is a man of integrity.  He has given me that legacy of faith.  He is a wonderful example of a Godly man and husband.

6.       His goofy sense of humor.  He introduced me to Fawlty Towers.  He raised me on “punny” jokes.  He likes to laugh and even thinks I’m funny.  I have been caught trying to pass off dad-like jokes more and more often lately.  Can’t help it.  I hear them in my head.

7.         Anyone who knows my dad knows he is wise.  He is smart, but beyond that applies Godly wisdom to life situations. He is able to see the big picture, and bring out what is most important in a decision or situation.  Some of that has rubbed off on me, and I am grateful.

8.        His lingo.  We make fun of him, but it’s great.  He has his own way of saying things lots of times…and scarily, some of them are starting to make sense to me.  I mean, sometimes you just gotta “cube it out”!

9.       He is also a great grandpa to my kids.  Pickle and Bubba adore him and know he loves them too.  He goes to band concerts and soccer games.  When Aidan was alive…he spent hours at the hospital on his own, pacing at his bedside.  I recently learned he visits Aidan’s grave more often than I do.  He has a tender spot in his heart for each of his grandkids.

10.     He loves me.  I have always known this…and still do.

He’s a cool dude, my dad.  I thank God for him.  I love you dad!!


  1. I love that picture of Dad! At some point, email it to me please.

  2. Our Dad....he's great, and we all know it! :0)
    Love that picture, too! (the actual photo AND description).
    Okay, I have to admit, being in Illinois keeps me from hearing a lot of that "lingo" I may have to be filled in as to what "cube it out" means. Whatever it does mean...I am sure it is just "smurfy"! (emphasized by a side crossover back kick with hand touch.) :0)


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