Saturday, August 22, 2009

Operation Organization--Week Four and a day late!

For the past few weeks, I have joined with Melinda and others on her Organization Challenge. This past week I chose to do my mess of jewelry. Check out the before pictures here. I was supposed to post on Friday...but instead I posted about my sister's surprise surgery.

True confessions, I didn't finish up the jewelry mess until today. Until one hour ago to be exact. Oh well, better late than never?? Below is what I came up with. First, it's all off the top of the dresser. HUGE. It's been there a while. The little hope rock is still there without the mess. :)

I bought ice cube trays at Stuff-Mart and filled the cubies with my earrings. Sometimes more than one pair, sometimes just one. I have three of these, and they stack together and sit in my top drawer. I have a container for bracelets in there too.

My jewelry box now only holds (mostly) sentimental jewelry I want to keep but don't wear. Everything that was previously tangled is untangled. Hubby hung these hooks in my closet and now my necklaces are hanging there. I think I might need to get another set of hooks!

Whew. That feels better!

For this next week I have pushed some previous ideas aside to do the area in the garage right outside our door. Look at it bloggies--it's terrible!

This area is where we keep empty stuff-mart bags for various uses (read here: take with us on dog walks--yuck), boots and shoes too messy or wet to take inside (notice they are there even tho it's summer), and all manner of other junk. I pull my car in just about on top of it all. Although the boots have been keeping me from my usual bump into hubby's tool chest to know I'm "in". (He loves when I do that).

So that is the spot to tackle this week--wish me luck! I'm hoping hubby will help me cause of the potential-garage-creepiness factor. We'll see if he likes that idea. :)

Never too late to join in on the challenge! I've only picked small areas that have been bugging me, but it is surprising how much difference it makes!!

PS. If you checked in to see how my sister is doing today--first of all, thanks. Second, she came through the surgery well and best of all, the doctor was less concerned when he got a good look at the "thing". However, the recovery has been rough--and I took her to the ER today to get her rehydrated and some anti-nausea meds. That helped a lot. Please continue to pray for her. Thanks!


  1. I am impressed---looks great! (BTW- I totally get the "garage creepiness factor").

  2. Love the ice cube tray idea! My jewelry needs some major help. It's all over everywhere.

    I am impressed by the challenge you are taking on this week. You are gonna feel so good when you get that done. Garages are scary places for most of us!

    Good luck!!

  3. Is there a single garden glove in there? It's partner is lonely.

  4. Your jewelry solutions are great! (I especially love the ice cube tray idea.) I'm sure it will make it much easier to find what you need. Good luck with the garage. I keep putting off tackling that, but I know it needs to be done eventually. Maybe you'll be my inspiration!


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