Friday, September 18, 2009

it's caffienated beverage time...

sipping my diet coke...catching up with the company girls

some tidbits from my week:

** Went to the parent/staff annual meeting at the Christian school my hubby works at now. He is the Business Manager and they have had some rough financial days and it is so stressful for him. However, it was so neat to hear reports of how the financial trials are making the community bond together. It was an encouraging night. It's often the struggles that make us stronger, huh?

** My new women's Bible Study at church started on Thursday. It's kinda like the first day of school! I even had to bring colored pencils...yay, I heart school supplies!! We are studying this (below) and it promises to be super awesome:

**I've been fretting over trying to help a hurting friend this week and perhaps pouring salt in a wound. Craft! I hate it when I'm not even close to perfect. Apology imminent.

**Bubba won a character award for diligence at school this week. He was recognized in front of all of the older grades. He's not always the fastest worker...but I'm so proud that he's working hard. He's doing great at his new school. Proud mama moment.

**I managed to find time to watch one of Pickle's dance classes this week...and it is such a blessing to see her loving it. I gave in last year (after much discussion) and let her quit ballet just two months before the performance. Ballet was just sucking the life out of her it seemed. All the preciseness, and discipline, and slow progress was just not my girl. Five years was enough I guess! We are so grateful that, much to our surprise, her ballet school started offering many more classes in different dance styles this fall. She is now happily boogying her way through musical theater/tap, jazz/hip hop, and worship dance classes. The day I watched, her instructor had her demonstrate the combo they were working on in front of the whole class...aah...the smile on her face brought me joy.

** Lastly, I should let you know...I will be missing our caffienated beverage time next week...cause I'll be here:

Wahoo! Looking forward to a great time with my mom and sister.

Enjoy your weekend, company girls and bloggies everywhere!


  1. Enjoyed sipping on a Diet Coke with you, sounds like a busy week, praying for your friend. Have an awesome time at the women's conference!

  2. Enjoy the study. Good job to Bubba!! That's great!

  3. The study sounds like it will be really great. I've never done a Kay Arthur study, but I've heard they are awesome.

    I've only been to one WOF event, but after seeing your clip, I'd like to go again. Rats! They were just here in Dallas last month! I'll have to wait until next year. Have fun with your mom and sister.


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