Friday, October 16, 2009

who has time for laundry?

On Fridays I link up with the Company Girl Coffee Chat over at Home Sanctuary--a favorite blog.

Hello girls--having my diet coke and ready to chat it up with you. This week has been spent recovering and resurfacing from the H1N1 virus at our house. It hit us all, starting with hubby a week ago Wednesday and finishing up this past Wednesday with Pickle finally fever free. At one point in the weekend we had two comfy bean bag chairs on our small family room floor for the kiddos, while hubby and I each took a couch...everyone had to be comfy and we wanted to be together. Misery loves company I guess.

You might like to read about my burst of energy here and my subsequent crash here for a good glimpse of my week.

And can I just be random and say I loved, loved, loved The Office wedding episode. It was hysterical and sweet and ridiculous and painful in the way only The Office can be. It's not everyday you can see a high kick to the maid of honor's jaw...or a man wearing kleenex boxes on his feet. I might have watched it more than once this week. I might have.

In other news, Bubba had a half day at school today, and Pickle had the day off--so we lunched at the mall and shopped a bit, and arrived home a bit ago with two pumpkins to add to our fall decor. It was an afternoon filled with nothing special but was the kind of wonderful that comes from being together. (and out of the house!!)

The other hoopla around here is that our church (that has been without a pastor for 10 months) has a pastor candidate in town this weekend. Since I am on the church staff, we got to meet him a few weekends ago and so far, think he is awesome. Pickle is looking forward to meeting his daughters that are one year older and one year younger than she is. She's mentioned it approximately 372 times today. :) I'm excited too--to think our leaderless months might come to an end soon, and more importantly that God seems to be providing a guy that was worth the wait. We are praying for God to guide and lead us all.

Well, I'm off to Vietnamese food with the fam (yum...), and then a weekend filled with soccer games and churchy-type-stuff. And I guess I better fit the laundry in there somewhere. Happy Friday!


  1. laundry is so overrated!

    I am excited for you and your church. It can be rough to be without a pator for an extended period of time. Hope everything works out for ya'll.

    Sometimes, I think the best days are the "nothing special" days. I love doing simple, but out of the ordinary things to make memories with my kids. You might think it was nothing special, but they will remember!

  2. Sorry to hear that you had to go through H1N1 with the family. It is going around here, and my DH and I have been doing research about the vaccination. It is not available in our area yet, but when it is, we want to be able to make an informed decision about whether or not to get it.

    That is wonderful news about the possibility of your Church finally getting a new Pastor! I will pray that everything works out according to God's plan.

    Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!

  3. Hi Dawn!
    I've had a crazy week and am just getting caught up on my blog hopping! I am SO sorry you had the swine flu! I had it over a month ago and I still feel like I haven't caught up on everything yet.

    Thankfully, my whole family didn't get it. Wow.

    Hope you are feeling more like yourself now... Thanks for being so transparent about your struggles (I read your last few posts too). I have benefitted so much from Christian counseling ... God created us for community!

    Loved your post on Wednesday ... God is so, so good. He has met me in some very personal and specific ways this week. I could totally relate to the whole overwhelmed thing. The last two weeks I've asked God to CARRY me. I said, "God I need more than your help. I need you to carry me." He is faithful.

    Good for you to ask you kids to pray for you. I do that alot. I think it shows how we are just as dependent on God as adults. It's a great thing to model.

    Wow... this is long, but you've written some meaty stuff this week!
    Blessings and health to you and your family!

  4. Sorry to hear about the rough week. Hope you all will be 100% soon. We recently got a new pastor at our church. We've been at the church for only a 1 yr as members, but I think they were without a permanent pastor for a few years actually. Good luck with the candidate.


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