Friday, November 6, 2009


I'm 43 today. How did this happen??? Seriously. I mean I'm still wondering what I'll be like when I grow up! As I've said before, I feel much younger on the inside than I look on the outside. :0)

I woke up to this birthday present from God.

this is the view from my bedroom window this morning

That's not all I woke up to. I usually write some birthday love on the bathroom mirrors on my family's birthdays. Today I found some birthday wishes on mine! Pickle had written, "Happy ??rd Birthday, Mom!" complete with many, many hearts. I love how she used question marks with the "rd". Just to be sure I knew she knew my age. Cracked me up.

My birthday is a Friday this year! Friday is my day off from work. I'm going shopping with my mother-in-law who is visiting from FL, and my mom is joining us for lunch. This afternoon I'm hanging with Bubba preparing for his birthday bash tomorrow...and then the groupies are coming over tonight. Next week hubby is taking me to Denver to stay overnight and see Wicked! I've been wanting to see that for a long time...

Oh yeah, and it's going to be 75 degrees today in Colorado. Gotta love that!

Seems like a great birthday to me! I hope my birthday is a great day for you too! :0)

Linking up with the Company Girls today over at Home Sanctuary. Hi girls!


  1. Happy Birthday, Dawn! I'm glad to hear about how many good gifts you have to celebrate! My husband just turned 43 last month, so I have some idea of what a wonderfully complex season of life it can be. You seem to be striving to live it to the full--enjoy your day!

  2. happy birthday! and what a gift this morning! i'm certain that it was completely in your honor... beautiful dawn for beautiful dawn :)

  3. Happy birthday! So glad you have a beautiful day to enjoy - and a day off?? LUCKY! :D I hope your day (and next week's trip) are fabulous. :)

  4. happy birthday! what a beautiful sunrise. I hope you enjoy all of your birthday festivities

  5. Oh what a beautiful sunrise! Have a wonderful, blessed birthday!


  6. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you've had a wonderful day shopping and hanging out. Did you find yourself a nice Bday present?? Surely, SOMETHING jumped off the shelf into your arms!

    Enjoy your time with your friends...sounds fun!

  7. Happy Birthday Dawn!!! God is so good and His present to you was SPECTACULAR!!! I hope you had a wonderful day and have a wonderful night!

  8. Happy Birthday, Dawn! What a sweet family you have. I hope they spoil you in royal fashion and like the princess you are! ;0) And based on your photos on the blog, I think you look fabulous!

  9. 75 Colorado??...I thot they had snow!...anyways a very Happy birthday to you! I hope it was everything you wanted.

  10. happy birthday!!! i'm the same way...feel much younger than i actually am. what a sweet idea for the birthday message. ??rd! how funny! enjoy your bday celebrations. i heard wicked is really good. enjoy!!

  11. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a great one! I love the birthday message!

    Hope you enjoyed your day of shopping and family time!

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a great one! I love the birthday message!

    Hope you enjoyed your day of shopping and family time!

  13. I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

    That sunrise is amazing and the fact that you could see it from your bedroom window is by far one of the most beautiful birthday presents I have ever seen. God is SOOO cool


  14. Happy Birthday! Hope it was a fabulous day!
    I'm like you...still wondering when it is I'll feel like an adult?? Maybe it's that mindset that keeps us going? I don't know.
    Very sweet message from you daughter! Love the way you all communicate that way.
    Have a great rest of you weekend!

  15. Happy Birthday - what a beautiful sunrise that God gave you. I'd say that was definitely a gift from Him!

    Hope your weekend was special!

  16. Happy Special Day to you!!! (sorry I'm late)


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