Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, Monday

Monday, you are here.

You follow Weekend. You follow Birthday Weekend. You follow Terrific Birthday Weekend.

Weekend brought me:

wBeautiful weather. Good to be outside weather.
wFriday lunch out at California Pizza Kitchen with my two moms...SO yummy and fun.
wFriday afternoon shopping in the afternoon with my mom-in-law.
wFriday night Groupies--my turn to tell my "story". Always good to reflect on God's faithfulness.
wBubba's last soccer game of the season--he had a BIG fan club. He played well and they won!

Bubba's fan club (minus me-the photographer)

wBubba's birthday party with his friends Saturday afternoon--crazyness! But it wasn't at our house and I didn't have to do much. He had a run-around-nuts good time.

Bubba's birthday party friends

wSaturday night cell phone shopping--birthday present from the fam. Got a great deal on a Samsung Rogue and I love it!
wSunday morning church. Love watching those kiddos enjoying learning about our God.
wSunday evening family celebration for Bubba and me. Yummy chinese food and wonderful gifts! (Pretty excited that my brother-in-law is going to redesign my blog as a gift to me!)

Weekend, you really came through for me.

So, Monday.
Here we are, Monday.
You bring me lots to do.
You bring me excitement about going away with hubby overnight tomorrow--can't wait! But that means more needs to be accomplished today.
You bring me board reports and meetings and projects that need attention at work.
You bring me laundry that is embarrassingly piled up after a weekend of not-touching-it.
You bring me a bedroom and bathroom that need cleaning before Nana and PopPop stay here in our room tomorrow.
You bring me details to work out.
You bring me Bible study homework.
You bring me a big knot in my yarn skein for my crocheting projects that I don't know how to remedy.
You bring me the realization that I'm likely too late for a seasonal flu shot.
You bring me the regular daily.

Monday, not to worry. I don't come to you empty-handed. I bring to you a heart of thanksgiving. I'm blessed. I'm loved. I bring to you confidence that all that is supposed to get done, will...and what doesn't, doesn't. I bring to you a refreshed person ready to hit it hard, with a getaway just a day away. I bring to you a heart of joy knowing that my life is full of good things. And it doesn't hurt that I'll be wearing a new sweater and carrying a nifty new phone.

It's OK, Monday. You and me--we're good.

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