Monday, December 7, 2009

home warm home

confession: not my fireplace. my camera is broken and this one's way prettier anyway.

So, it's freezing outside. Like, wind-chills-well-below-zero freezing. There is packed snow on the roads, the sky is gray and tiny flakes blow through the sky.

Monday I worked at the library for a while...I was kinda chilly there. Spent the afternoon at work...67 at the warmest point of our chilly there. I left about 4 pm to slide my way down the slippery roads to pick up my son from school (20 minutes away) and realized I was VERY low on gas. I decided I should fill 'er up since who knows what could happen on a snowy highway...don't want to be caught on empty! Drove (slowly--it was the only option) towards a gas station that apparently isn't in business anymore. Crept through a walmart parking lot and around a corner or two to another gas station. Open pump--yay. Fill the car and hop back in as fast as I could--it was stinkin' freezing!

When I started to pull out I heard a loud honk...and saw that a pickup was pulling up alongside of me. The driver rolled down the window and told me my rear tire was very flat and I was sitting on the rim. Ma-huh? I had just left work and it was fine. We think I punctured it somehow...and couldn't tell 'cause the driving in the snow masked all the signs of driving on a flat. He offered to fill it with air for me. What a nice guy. I took him up on it...but no air came out of the pump. Too cold? Who knows. He asks if I have a spare (I do) and he offered to change it for me. Again, I felt bad, but said yes. He said I could stay in the car...but since I didn't think my weight in the car would help...I stayed outside shivering and making conversation. After digging out the spare, and searching for the jack...and freezing our bottoms off...we could not get the lug nuts off of the wheel. Frozen on? Who knows. I thank him anyway.

His name was Drew and I pray that God blesses him for his kindness to me--trying to change my tire in the bitter cold with only a hoodie and a pair of my gloves to keep him warm.

Well, eventually hubby was able to rescue me...and AAA came and changed the tire...but not before I was ice cold and longing desperately for my home and my fireplace.

Made me think of earlier that day when I saw a bearded man sitting in the snow at a stop light with a cardboard sign asking for financial help. In the cold. In the snow. Sitting.

At least I knew I was headed home eventually.

Today I am unwrapping the gift of having a warm home to come home to. It doesn't matter that it's smaller than I'd like. It doesn't matter that I'm not done with the christmas decorating and there are boxes everywhere. It doesn't matter that my kids have left out every manner of trash and blankets and dishes. It's home. It's warm. And I have the key. And a heated mattress pad on my bed. And a flip-the-switch gas fireplace. Home warm Home.

How often I take for granted the simplest of things...and am thankful to Emily at Chatting at the Sky for reminding us to unwrap the gifts of the everyday each Tuesday.


  1. Amen sister. You can hardly get me to leave my home when it's cold. It doesn't matter that it's a little messy and every single bottle of cleaner that I own is cluttering the kitchen floor because the garbage disposal broke and flooded the inside of the cabinet, I'm warm.It is definitely a blessing.

  2. Wow -- what a crazy, cold day! No wonder it was a gift to arrive home and turn up the thermostat. Despite the chaos, it seems your day was filled with many blessings.

  3. This is a beautiful story (minus the part where you and the poor man were freezing, truly beautiful. Thank you for helping me remember that, even though bills get high and bank accounts get low, I have a home with a heater and a fireplace to come home to.

    And PS. I LOVE your fireplace, it's VERY pretty. :)

  4. Simple graces... So glad you noticed, unwrapped, and shared. Wishing you very warm today!

  5. I pray that you always have angels around like Drew! I have had a few Drews in my life, and they are truely angels in disguise!

  6. It is the little things we need to stop and be thankful for...thanks for the reminder.

  7. Dawn, I can't even imagine that scenario! (Florida, you know...) But made me shiver just reading, and then smile at the man's kindness. Grateful, that's what you reminded me to be today-thank you.

  8. Living in South Alabama, the idea of driving on icy roads just makes me cringe. You are BRAVE!

    Thank God for the Drews of the world. Chivalry is not dead!

  9. I am shivering just reading about you shivering!

  10. What a wonderful, kind man, to help you out like that!
    I'm also trying to be grateful for my home. It's a small apartment, and not the farmhouse of my dreams, but it's a roof over our head, and a warm, safe shelter for my family. It's what we need, and I am grateful for that.

  11. There is so much we take for granted, isn't there? Thanks so much for helping me to re-evaluate today...

  12. Okay, Dawn, when I first saw the picture I thought, "Awww, that looks so wonderful. Wish I didn't live in Florida so I could enjoy one of those!"

    Then I read the post and your experience with the snow, ice, flats, cold, etc., and I decided a 70 degree Christmas might not be so bad! ;0)

  13. what a day...
    to be caught outside.
    to share a little chattering conversation.
    to think of someone in need.
    and to be thankful for warmth.

  14. Thanks for the reminder of how blessed I am. I usually think about it, but sometimes we all get caught up in so much and forget. I didn't have a flat tire, but I did have a minor car accident (my fault). As I was feeling SO STUPID, the old me would have gotten angry and asked "why me?" Instead I thanked God for the good things like no injuries, great insurance, money to pay the deductible, and a husband who is so sweet and understanding. And the warm home and supportive family to come home too was the icing on the cake.


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