Friday, December 4, 2009

someone's in charge!

My Bubba and me

This week has been full (which one isn't?). It's the end of my in-laws November visit--they leave today. Bubba had an awesome 3rd grade Christmas program last night--where he sang a solo! A friend's sweet 5 year old daughter has been battling pneumonia in the hospital. A young mother from church lost her battle with cancer. My kids are preparing small roles for a drama production at church next weekend. There was Christmas shopping and Christmas decorating and other busyness of the season. And oh yeah--work and school. Whew.

Pickle with a pickle

All that aside, probably the biggest event this week is that our new Sr. Pastor started on Tuesday! WAHOO! We have spent the last 11 months without a lead pastor or boss. We've done really well as a staff considering...but we were more than ready for him to be here. I can't tell you the relief it brings to have someone in charge! It has been a good week of beginning to learn each others' styles, and starting to dream and plan. There have been one or two tough things to deal with at church this week--and having an authoritative leader has made a huge difference. Whew.

In all of this, hanging over my head is that I am giving the message at church a week from Sunday in the first person as Mary...and I've done NOTHING but some reading. YIKES. I plan to do the whole thing without notes as well, so I will need to leave time to practice. I anticipated being able to prepare much more than I have. Now it feels down to the wire and this coming week is full too. The talk needs to be the main thing on my agenda today for my day off.

I think I could feel some panic about now. BUT, I am reminded Someone IS in charge! Not our new pastor, but my lifelong Leader--my Lord. Just as I am relaxing into and trusting our new leadership at church, I need to remind myself that all along Someone has been in charge. Of our church. Of my life. Of this Mary-message. None of my recent life has come as a surprise to Him. I can trust Him. As my mom says--if He calls you, then He makes you capable. So I am choosing to trust and lean on and count on Him. And do my part to work diligently to pull this off!

Please pray that I use my time efficiently today and in coming days. Please pray that God gives me His words for our congregation. Please pray that I can continue to remember that He is in charge. I am just His vessel. He can stretch time and use even me. WHEW!

Linking up with the Company Girls today.


  1. It's a busy time for everyone and it seems you're certainly no exception. I hope you'll have someone videotape your Mary talk - it would be nice to see it here on your blog.

    It's a crazy day for me and a lot of other women that I know - you included - and I just want you to know that I did stop just now and pray for you.

    Be blessed!

    The other Dawn

  2. Hoping your day goes smoothly and you are able to find the time you need, it is days like that that Satan always tries to attack!

    Hope we can see the results of your labor!!!

  3. I'm glad a new pastor is there now. It has been so great to have our new pastor at church as well. And he has a little one for our little ones to play with, which is an added bonus. He's the only boy in the nursery/preschool though. hehe

    I know God will use you through the message.

  4. What daaarling kids! All those church activities can be a lot, but what precious memories and fun! Hey, our God can stretch time and minds! I know you will be great!

  5. Wow I would love to see and hear you speak as Mary. Are you going to post notes?

  6. I felt a twinge of panic for you as I read your post. Of course just the thought of public speaking for me makes me panic. Praying you find the time you need to prepare this week. Sure wish I could hear it. I've always been in awe of Mary and what she must have experience in this story. I just remembered this book we have..."My Son, My Savior- The Awesome Wonder of Jesus' Birth." Written by Calvin Miller. The book is written in the first person.
    Have a great and productive week!

  7. I'm sure your talk about Mary will be magnificent. Just offer up what you know in your heart. You know...the stuff that's lived in you and lives in you...the stuff you know by heart. Because the heart is where He lives and gives us breath and being and words about Himself - even (and especially this week for you) from Mary's perspective.

    Be blessed!

  8. There's a lot of security knowing who's in charge...especially when it is the Lord!


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