Monday, January 4, 2010

Taking Steps

On New Year's Day I posted about being a woman of resolve. That sounds good...but I also realize I need to take specific steps towards those things I want to be resolved about. Practical steps.

SO. For example...

In order to take a step toward drinking more water and less diet coke...I need to find my favorite water bottle (somewhere in the car?) and keep it with me all the time. Cause honestly, when I get the slightest bit mind says...mmm. diet coke. over ice. yes. So I need to pour some water in my mouth to shut up my mind some of the time.

I love this water bottle--got mine at Target.

In order to take a step toward feeding my family, you know, at home--I need to do something I have been meaning to do for a long time. Organize my recipes so I can find them easily. Right now most of them are in this:

They need to be sorted and categorized. I plan to make a dinner list of all the dinners I make...and make a month or more of a menu plan. When it comes time to go grocery shopping, I can look at that week's menu and quickly make a list. Cause I realize that's where I get hung up when it's a busy week...deciding on meals and finding the recipes to make a shopping list. That takes mental energy I don't always have. (I know I sound pathetic right now--but it's true). So I'm hopeful this will help. It's a starting point at least...then I can get creative as energy allows.

In order to take a step toward getting our finances better managed, I had to have an attitude adjustment (oh...those are the hardest). Confession: I really, really, wish hubby would handle the day to day managing of our checkbook, receipts and bills. Cause I like to live in denial that money has limits. (Just sayin.) However, he doesn't like doing it either--he does numbers and budgets all day at work. Many times we have come up with a plan to each take a part of it and it sounds easy enough to follow through...but either one or both of us drops the ball...and we can easily wait for/blame the other. So, for 2010 I am going to take over this part of our life and rely on hubby only for the big decisions. Hubby was quite agreeable to this plan. And I will be happy about it--it frees him up, and I'm serving our family. And our bills will get paid. Cause I'm thinkin' that would be good, huh?

There are other steps I need to think through to make it easier to make some of the other right choices day in and day out. I am working through those too. I'm setting myself up as best I can to be a woman of resolve.

Of course, even with the best-laid plans...trying harder doesn't work. Besides practical steps and resolve, I need empowerment. I need the power of the Holy Spirit. It comes from daily asking Him to fill me, and to guide me. To interrupt my agenda when it's not God's. I rely on HIM, not me. I need to be a woman resolved to rely on Him for all I need to do what's best. To obey. To hear from the Father. To not be lazy, but to rest in the good-enough.

I'd love to hear some of your practical steps toward your new year's resolves...let's inspire each other!

If you'd like to read an incredible post on steps to real change in your should read Ann's post here. Incredible.

1 comment:

  1. Dawn, those are all great ideas. I'm glad too, the Lord doesn't change His resovle towards me. Hey, if I can get my papers in order for a writer's conference in March, I will consider that a success. :)


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