Friday, January 1, 2010

God-Sized Dreams

Over at (In)Courage today, we've been asked to share our God-sized dreams for 2010. What are my God-sized dreams??? Wow... I have some dreams that haven't bubbled to the top of my consciousness completely. They are simmering deep in me...and I'm not sure what they'll be when they surface. But I am aware of and thankful for the percolating. Hmmm. They may not be for 2010...God knows. I'll do my part to nurture the stirrings.

As far as dreams I am aware of...they aren't so amazing. But they are God-sized. Because me without God's empowerment = no progress They aren't resolutions. Resolutions seem to die off by their very nature. They only last as long as you can hold out.

I read this on Holly's blog the other day..."I want to be more about resolve than resolution". Yes. That echoed what my heart is saying to me as I approach 2010.

Instead of "resoluting" this year, I am resolving. I resolve to make better choices for myself and my family. Every day. And when I mess up...I get to resolve again.

There are many choices I could resolve to make. I know that I can't focus on them all at once. Be more consistent at menu planning so we eat better at home. Drink less diet coke and more water. Exercise more regularly--cause my body feels older every day. Less media time for me and for my kids. More reading time for me and for my kids (think those last two might be connected...???). Listen others and to God. Keep journalling. Make sure each member of my family knows I love them every day. Make sure my hubby knows he is my favorite person. Do what I need to do to make my home a sanctuary (thanks, Rachel Anne).

I'm not overhauling my life or even an area of my life. None of this is new stuff for me. My God-sized dream is to be a woman of resolve. To be who I want to be. And my God-sized dream is that when I get off-track, God picks me up and puts me back on track that I'm not about "I should", but about "I am." Oh...I need Him so.

For more God-sized dreams--click over to (In)Courage today. I'd love to hear your dreams as well!


  1. I like this: to be a woman of resolve. Nicely stated!

  2. Dreams...ahhh, that my book idea might be accepted somewhere and that I "resolve" to make time to write more. Love your idea!

  3. From one "woman of resolve" to another, thanks for stopping by my blog. Isn't fun being a Company Girl?

  4. Yes, I like this ~ I like this a lot. To be resolved, may He help us be so.

  5. I stink at resolutions, so the idea to "resolve" instead is wonderful! "Resolving" to be all He's called me to be! And to do it on his strength and not my own : )

  6. SO beautifully stated! I'm mulling my God-sized dreams...

    Happy New Year!

  7. Hi Dawn!
    I've been out of the blogging loop over the holidays, but am getting back into the swing.

    I LOVED this post. I talked about resolutions on my blog last week.

    Yes, I want to be a woman of resolve too. And I want to be a woman of surrender. Surrendering to God's will and tapping into His power. You are so right ... our best intentions/goals are useless without His leading and power.

    So glad I stopped by today! ;0) Hope you had wonderful holidays!


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