Tuesday, January 12, 2010

doodle your heart out

Three blogs I read have recently reminded me that writing is not the only way to get your thoughts out. (yes, I know about talking...don't need to be reminded about that one). I am talking about doodling and drawing.

Beth at Like A Day Off posted about praying in color and gave some examples of the way she is pouring out her heart to God these days.

Carmen at Writing Works had a case of writing block when she faced her journal. Instead, she put her feelings into this picture.

I think it's fab-oo. Read her post to learn what it means to her. Carmen is a high school student by the way...

And Michelle at My See Through Life posted her notes from church on Sunday. Let's just say my notes don't ever look like this...

The funny thing about all this is I doodled the other day too! Nothing as meaningful as these gals, but I was thinking about my upcoming blog makeover (by my talented brother-in-law) and started doodling elements that might become a part of it's look. It was really fun! I forgot how delightful drawing is. I've already given them to him, so I'm not sharing them here (not sure if I would have anyway, but now I have a good excuse not to--heehee). Now, my love for colored pens aside, I'm not normally a doodler. I am much more of a words person...but I'm thinking I should do it more often. Just for me.

Sitting in church on Sunday, our pastor was teaching in his engaging way, and Pickle was listening a bit. Normally she zones out. She had a pen in her hand, and I told her to try doodling what she was learning from the sermon. She used words and symbols and wrote around the edges of the bulletin so that to follow it you would have to turn it around and around...but when I looked at it I realized she had been listening for most of the sermon--and my guess is the doodling will help it stick with her better.

When was the last time you doodled?


  1. So fun that you linked to me, thanks. :) And Pickle was really into her notes and was excited to explain to me all the connections she was making between the story in the sermon and other stories.... I love that girl!

  2. In my pre-retirement days, I doodled every single day. LOL! No kidding. But, come to think of it, I haven't doodled in awhile. Hmmmm...


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