Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm hoping... finally cross some to-dos off of my home list today.

... to be productive and energetic enough to clean more than just my main floor before the groupies come tonight. tackle mount washmore. not be too distracted by the fact that Bubba has a day off of school (well maybe just enough to have a bit of fun with him). have a longer quiet time than I do on my regular rushed days.

I hope to find that balance I always strive for--to be disciplined without being neurotic. To not be lazy but to rest.

Even though I have the day off from work, that is still a lot to hope for. Yet, God is Good. I can trust Him with my day. If I surrender it to Him--it's His. And that's all I really want it to be anyway.

Linking up with The Company Girls at Home Sanctuary today--and wishing them all a terrific Friday! If you girls want to read a highlight of my week--check out my post on Bubba's chapel service. I would love it if you would consider clicking the banner below and learning more about how you can help the children who are victims of the Haiti earthquake...this is an organization I truly trust.


  1. I think I'll take your phrase "to be disciplined without being neurotic" as my mantra for the next little while!

    Thanks for the coffee!

  2. I love it too...and "to not be lazy, but to rest." Yep...thanks Dawn!

    Good luck with your hopes today, and have a little fun on your day off!

  3. I, too, need discipline without neuroticism. :) I'm taking my cue from you! (even if I don't have the day off work.)

  4. Mount washmore. I have one of those waiting for me!

    I hope you have fun doing your hopes list!

  5. you and me and fridays off! yahoo! and i am hoping for many of the same things :) but our groupies aren't coming til sunday... so i have tomorrow, too!

  6. I'll bet my mountain range (or plateau) would make yours look hill-ish. And we're leaving for the weekend, so I've got loads to do yet. I hope you get to a point where you can stop and enjoy some fellowship tonight.

  7. Oh yes, Mt. Washmore. it sits on my couch at the moment. Your list looks good - much to take to heart. Remember that the world won't end if you don't get it all done :) Happy Friday!

  8. My boys are 15 and 18 and i still get distracted from my routine at least a bit when they are at home for the day unexpectedly.

  9. i would like to rest too...thank you.

  10. Ooooh - great list. LOVE your "not be lazy but to rest" - that is a good purpose.

    I tackled Mount Washmore this week. It was a challenge, but I've got the last load in the dryer, so that has been great.

  11. That uphill climb on Mt Washmore is a tough's one neverending cycle after another. Good luck! Accidents and food stains abound over here once I finish one load. Oh well. Sometimes when there's time off there's even more to do.

  12. "Trust Him with my day" -- that's what I need to do. He knows better than I do what I really need.

    Wow, that delicate balance between rest and being lazy (or feeling like you are). Does any mom ever find the line?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hope... a good word for so many reasons. :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  15. Hope... a good word for so many reasons. :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  16. Hi Dawn!
    I have trouble with that concept too ... resting without being lazy. I tend to have two modes: super-productive or complete slug! ;0)

    Thanks for the information about donating to Haiti. The problem seems so overwhelming, it's hard to know how to even begin to help. So thank you for that!

    Hope you enjoyed the day with Bubba (just a little)! ;0)

  17. Not to be lazy but to rest! I love that! It is so easy to get caught up in the to do's that SEEM important and not get any rest. It is a tough balance. Let me know if you figure it out! :)


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