Monday, February 22, 2010

unwrapping on tuesday

Unwrapping gifts.  The everyday gifts that are easily missed. That's what a group of us do with Emily at Chatting at the Sky on Tuesdays.

Today, Emily writes "So whether you are in the midst of the mess, surrounded by the lovely or interrupted by things unexpected, I encourage you to pause and consider the gift, whatever it might be."

So, I sit here.  And ponder.   What is the gift to unwrap today? Am I in the midst of the mess?  Yes.  There are lots of things I'm not on top of right now.  Not even close to on top of.  My housework.  Organization at home.  Wish I was about three weeks further along in my work at church than I am.  Emotionally, it's been less than smooth lately, and that colors everything else.  I have moments of feeling really fragile.

In the midst, am I surrounded by the lovely?  Yes.  YES.  My husband's kisses comfort.  My kids' smiles light up my days.  My friends are patient with me and make me laugh.  I am allowed to be who I am right now--even though I'm not at my best.  Everyone who loves me  holds out Hope in front of me.

Have I been interrupted by things unexpected?  Yes.  My car clicks instead of starts.  Snow delays change plans.  But even in emotional fragility, I know the unexpected factors in life are only unexpected by me, not Him--and in reality, are often part of the (big G) Good.  As my car sits sadly quiet in my garage, I skim Facebook status updates as I wait for my ride to work.  And the unexpected jumps out at me.  A friend's update says this: 

"The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."Is. 58:11

His Word falls on my soul.  He will guide.  He will satisfy.  He will water.  He will never fail.

And I thank Him for my need.  It is making me keenly aware of my dependence on the only One who can truly satisfy and who will not fail me.  My fragility is my gift today...for without it, I may just forget that I'm leaning on Him all the time.


  1. oooooo... I love that. Fragility. So true. Evidence that He is God and we are so not, right? Lovely post.

  2. When we're at our worst, our weakest, isn't it incredible to realize that God is there and is providing little ways to uphold us? One of my favorite song quotes talks about what you're saying, in a way- it goes, "the shadow proves the sunshine." Love you and love your posts, as always.

  3. It's hard for me to be dependent on anyone. I struggle to let go of control (which I don't have in the first place) and let God work. He always has our best at heart. Thanks for reminding me to be fragile.

  4. Lean and lean hard. He loves it when we do that.
    hug. hug.

  5. Thank you for stopping by my blog today, and for the encouraging comment. I am enjoying reading yours. I lived near the Springs for 7 years! Then up by Denver for 2 years, now NC for the past 3.5 years. It is great to "meet" you! Blessings!

  6. His words fall on my soul today as well. I am thinking about my fragility today and thanking God that when I feel like I am about to break, even if I do, He is there to pick up the pieces and put me back together.

  7. Thanks for the great reminder. He will never fail! YAY! Sometimes Facebook can be a blessing...

  8. I adore your blog so much that I've selected you for a Beautiful Blogger Award.

  9. God is always Big G Good. But the times we are fragile are when He takes the most gentle, tender care of us.

    So it makes sense to thank Him for these times. Most of us don't though.

    You do. Good for you.

  10. and here i sit... in kind of the smae place. my car isn't clicking. and there is no snow on the ground. but my heart... it is fragile. and this? He will guide. He will satisfy. He will water. He will never fail. i needed that. big time.

  11. Oh Dawn--I know that gift of fragility. Most of the time, I don't call it a gift. But what you've shared reminds me that it is. And reminds of the verse (can't remember the reference) that promises His strength is perfect in our weakness.

  12. In our weakness and fragility, He is made strong. As one who often finds herself weak, that's just the best news in the world. His strength is made perfect--perfect!--in our weakness.

    Have a blessed rest of the week, Dawn.


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