Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday's Thankful Post

holy experience

 I decided to document 1000 gifts.  A few a day--with the hopes of reaching 1000 within a year or so.  On Mondays, I post a few of the gifts I've documented in my journal.  I've not been posting every Monday, but I'm happy to be able to post a few of my gifts today.

111.  An easy-bake valentine. A cookie with a chocolate heart of frosting dusted with red sprinkles.  It was given to me on valentines day by a sweet 4 year old at church.  She was dressed in a red dress with her hair curled and pretty.  She made it in her easy-bake oven.  On a lightbulb!  Does it get better than that??  She gave me a heart and stole mine.

112. After giving me my valentine, the red-dressed girl said, (with some coaxing from her mom) "Miss Dawn, I asked Jesus into my heart this week."  My stolen heart filled with joy.  What a lovely valentine's day present.

123.  Glasses.  Not the kind you drink out of--the kind that help you see.  I've always had decent vision, but recently, my eyes have declined to the point where my glasses actually help.  I went from not wearing glasses much at all to wearing bifocals this year.  (hello, old much?)

this is a little scary...

142.  Hoarfrost. (did you know it was called that?)  We had a few days where winter looked like this:

Everything was covered in this pointed frost.  It was so beautiful.  It made me so happy that Pickle took the camera and captured great pictures of it before it was gone.

I hope you are finding things to be thankful for each day...166 and counting over here!

1 comment:

  1. i've been listing my thankful gifts down the side of my blog forever... but i never think to count them. or save them. i love this idea... and i keep thinking about joining in. maybe...


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